Looking for a physician reference

adepthealth wrote on Wednesday, May 23, 2012:

We are a healthcare company focusing on medical supplies, medical equipment and now expanding in the healthcare IT area.

While evaluating various EMR systems, we liked Open EMR and are offering hosted EMR service to physicians.  One of the demonstrations we did, the internist liked the Open EMR and features. 

He would like to speak to another physician who is using Open EMR prior to signing up for the service.

Will there be any physician on this group who can speak to him for 10-15 minutes?  The internist is located in northern New Jersey area.

This is an excellent, comprehensive EMR system that is very easy to customize (in terms of patient encounter forms).  We found this as a huge plus compare to other EMR systems.

Looking forward to hearing from someone …

Thanks in advance,
Tom Basil
AdeptHealth Corp