macmend wrote on Thursday, May 21, 2009:
I have recently undertaken IT support management for our healthcare business in the UK.
I have investigated a number of EMRs and for ease of installation and modules offfered Open EMR is unbeatable.
However I am used to products like XOOPs ( I see the OpenEMR website is built with XOOPS CMS) Wordpress or CRMs like Vtiger.
Whilst I can see the technical excellence in OpenEMR, I am concerned at its look and feel and how are staff will get used to it.
XOOPS, and many other CMS, CRMs and other modular based perl/php and java based web portals and applications use themes and styles to ensure the right look and feel. It makes a product so much more accessible.
I would love to be able to contribute, I know a little programming and CSS etc. But can anyone point me to where these can be changed or is there something within the setup that would help.