Look and feel

macmend wrote on Thursday, May 21, 2009:

I have recently undertaken IT support management for our healthcare business in the UK.

I have investigated a number of EMRs and for ease of installation and modules offfered Open EMR is unbeatable.

However I am used to products like XOOPs ( I see the OpenEMR website is built with XOOPS CMS) Wordpress or CRMs like Vtiger.

Whilst I can see the technical excellence in OpenEMR, I am concerned at its look and feel and how are staff will get used to it.

XOOPS, and many other CMS, CRMs and other modular based perl/php and java based web portals and applications use themes and styles to ensure the right look and feel.  It makes a product so much more accessible.

I would love to be able to contribute, I know a little programming and CSS etc.  But can anyone point me to where these can be changed or is there something within the setup that would help.

cfapress wrote on Friday, May 22, 2009:

OpenEMR is chock full of great features but sometimes the interface can get in the way. Some of the system can be controlled with CSS and the theme files in <oemr>/interface/themes. I suggest editing your globals.php and changing to the style_oemr.css theme.

Elements not controlled by that style sheet are hard-coded in the PHP files. It’s a time consuming hunt to find the right file and style to change.

Plan to spend a few solid hours of looking at pages in a browser and then looking at the code behind them. It will make you very familiar with the code and, at the same time, you will become a better support person for OpenEMR.

It’s worth the time invested.
