All the Installation Steps went well, no issues but the Login Screen is messed up , see the attached image
I am thinking its the CSS / Theme / Path issues or something with the YAML config…
Any help please ?
All the Installation Steps went well, no issues but the Login Screen is messed up , see the attached image
I am thinking its the CSS / Theme / Path issues or something with the YAML config…
Any help please ?
Could be something to do with file permissions, apache config (openemr.conf), or the security context (SELinux) as well. Hard to tell without more information about your installation.
Have you installed development version 6.1 from github?
Hi @Nagen_Swamy it is the issue with Node js as well as bootstrap.
My server environment is IIS with PHP Extensions
(not Apache).
There were no errors during installation Eveeythig went well, all I selected at the end was a different login theme.
I thought it was all PHP and MySQL only… Is the API layer on node?