Loading CPT codes in OpenEMR

mawalker33 wrote on Friday, April 25, 2008:

I am trying to get the CPT codes set up on OpenEMR so I downloaded the scripts at


I also downloaded the PFALL08A.txt into this same directory, however when I ran the script as so…
./load_doc_fees.plx < PFALL08A.txt it initially said Permission denied so I chown 700 load_doc_fees.plx and ran it again, which worked but it said: Inserted 0 rows, updated 0 rows.  I wouldn’t think that this would be the desired output.  Any ideas on this would be appreciated.  I am going to download the AMA codes, is there any difference between the single user and multiple user file, besides the price difference?  Also I’m not sure exactly what the fee multiplier is.  Any help on these issues is much appreciated!  Thanks!