Load_doc_fees.plx error

aperezcrespo wrote on Wednesday, April 02, 2008:

  After downloading and extracting the current PFALL08A.zip.  I ran the load_doc_fees.plx < PFALL08A.TXT and got the following error.
Global symbol "$oe_dbh" requires explicit package name at /load_doc_fees.plx line 92
Global symbal "%urow" requires explicit package name at /load_doc_fees.plx line 97

Any clues?
BTY load_icd_desc, and load_hcpcs_desc worked just fine.


cfapress wrote on Friday, April 04, 2008:

I just looked at the code and cannot figure out why this error hasn’t shown up for others. Well… maybe they knew how to correct it.

Anyway, I’m committing a fix into the CVS. If you’re not using the CVS repository. Here’s what line 92 and 97 should look like:

Line 92:
$codes_id = $dbh->{‘mysql_insertid’};

Line 97:
$codes_id = $urow[0];
