Linux vs. Ubuntu install of OpenEMR3.1

emrtech wrote on Wednesday, January 27, 2010:

I learned Linux back in 98 and have kept track of the progress.  I have to say that I feel Linux has arrived to the Desktop.  I installed OpenEMR3.1 onto Ubuntu8.04 and it installed perfectly.  AND it works great.  I installed it also onto VistaPro and it didn’t work.  So, you can guess which one I decided to stay with.  It can be used as the server and other linux or MS stations can log into it.  You can even go 100% Ubuntu with User access to various shares and spread out your system to a peer-to-peer network (if one goes down, most of your work can still continue).  A login is required for the shares, so the data is protected from anyone and you can set up various departments,etc.  Just new to OpenEMR - need to work with it a bit, but you can bet on my return to this site. 

emrtech wrote on Wednesday, January 27, 2010:

Title should read_** Linux vs. Windows install of OpenEMR3.1**_

sunsetsystems wrote on Wednesday, January 27, 2010:

