atlanticcan wrote on Tuesday, July 20, 2010:
I’ve been thinking about forms and workflow; specifically about how isolated/independent forms are. Suppose a doctor is with a patient and he goes through form A. Based on the results of A, the doctor has to complete either form B or C. After completing the second form he has to complete form D, which changes slightly depending on whether he completed form B or C.
Or a different made-up example:
The doctor fills out a History & Physical form, the patient indicates that they have a family history of heart problems and the patient has never had his cholesterol checked.
When the form is finished the doctor clicks continue at the bottom of the form. Due to the above conditions being true, OpenEMR moves to a Heart Health form.
When the form is finished the doctor hits continue and is taken to the Health and Lifestyle Changes form (if the patient hadn’t been at risk for heart problems, continue would have brought them here instead after completing the H&P). This form is slightly different because of the data entered in Heart Health.
Thoughts? Is this possible? Any suggestions on when it could be useful?
I think it might be interesting to have sets of forms, many of which could be filled conditionally based on previous input. After filling out a few of these the later forms could include information from previous forms, such as warnings (John has high cholesterol, tell him to improve his diet), graphs (John’s weight over the last 4 checkups) or just snippets of data (John was 170cm tall at his last checkup).