Line Endings

sunsetsystems wrote on Thursday, February 28, 2008:

Hey, I just wanted to remind the developers that we use Unix line endings (lf) and not Windows line endings (cr/lf) in OpenEMR.  I’ve seen some commits recently that are going in with Windows line endings.  This causes the entire file to be replaced in CVS, makes it harder to figure out what you changed, and messes up statistics.

If your text editor does not understand Unix line endings, then you need a better one!  A couple of examples would be TextPad and EditPad.


cfapress wrote on Thursday, February 28, 2008:

Indeed this **REALLY** screws things up!

At the moment I’m trying to repair the damage done to
so that I can continue my evaluation and development of OpenEMR for use at our Agency.


sunsetsystems wrote on Thursday, February 28, 2008:

Well I already fixed the line endings (and another bug) yesterday in add_edit_event.php.


cfapress wrote on Thursday, February 28, 2008:

Thanks for that! I deleted that file from my source tree and ‘cvs update’ brought in your corrected version.
