LBF review does not show active layout

I understand that i have to have a patient open for the preview button to show the layout , i created an encounter LBF and then decided i do not need it , deleted its group that I created for it , now when i try to preview demographics it is still hung on the encounter layout and does not show the active demographic or for that matter other layouts?

Any idea why it is hung on a blank page ? is it a bug?
Also i tried in the demo with patient open and made changes in demographic layout , saved it, preview is blank too?

Hi @Mohammad

You have to have a patient selected in the background in order to get the preview to render. Hope that helps!


Hum … it seems that you do have a patient up based on your screen shot.

Is it possible that it is rendering but the preview font color is in black? I have found the custom template colors for the software are tricky. Try changing back to the default light blue and see if that works.

Try clearing the cache…