LBF Display Options?

suavelogica wrote on Tuesday, July 09, 2013:

I have created several LBF Forms using OpenEMR v4.1.1 (12). The doctor likes them, but is now requesting that only the fields that have been populated during the patient encounters be displayed on the patient summary reports. Where would I look to make this happen? Or was there an option I missed when creating the forms that would facilitate this function? Thank you!

sunsetsystems wrote on Tuesday, July 09, 2013:

I believe the reporting logic of interest is in interface/forms/LBF/report.php, and so you’ll need to add some optional code to the display_layout_rows() function in library/


mdsupport wrote on Tuesday, July 09, 2013:

This is included as part of a LBF enhancement posted few weeks ago.

sunsetsystems wrote on Tuesday, July 09, 2013:

MDS, that description doesn’t look like what Mike is asking for…?


mdsupport wrote on Tuesday, July 09, 2013:

Think it is one line somewhere in that patch. We do not see any unused fields in the encounter summary or reports which saves lot of scrolling on tablets.

suavelogica wrote on Wednesday, July 10, 2013:

Thanks for the replies gentlemen! So if I understand this correctly, I just need to edit each of the three .php files in the Open-EMR application and replace the code with the new code that is on the LBF Enhancement page?

suavelogica wrote on Wednesday, July 10, 2013:

UPDATE- Thanks again for the LBF patch! I copied the code for all three files and updated my local installation and the reports are formatting exactly like I need them!!! I send a BIG THANK YOU! to MD Support for the fine work done on these files to make the form data easier to review on the encounters summary! Good job folks!!!

mdsupport wrote on Thursday, July 11, 2013:

Bit of warning - not sure if that patch is going to be standard code or not. If not, future patches may break it until the files are reconciled. Just a risk of doing your own thing!