Lbf custom forms..plz help urgent

arnabnaha wrote on Friday, July 09, 2010:

I am running a practice in India and using OpenEMR. This software really does my job easier and is very very helpful.  I have two problems which i cant resolve:

1. I have created few custom forms (LBF forms), they are working fine but when I want to print out the filled forms using reports, it doesnt appear in the reports. How to make it appear in the reports?

2. How to integrate OpenEMR with a patient portal, so that my patients can get their appointments online by registering…Plz help…

Thanks in advance. I need the first solution urgently as it is stopping me from giving proper clinical care to patients.


visolveemr wrote on Friday, July 09, 2010:

Hi Arnab,

Which OpenEMR version you’re using? Which specific report you’re referring to?

The forms will be listed out when you check “Patient/Client->Medical Record->Report” (Openemr 3.2). Whereas in Openemr 4.0, the Report tab is present in the Demographics page itself.

Please refer “” for the same kind of issue.

Do let us know if you’ve any questions

ViCarePlus Team

visolveemr wrote on Friday, July 09, 2010:

Hi Arnab,

“Providing Access to patient through patient portal” is one of the main enhancements the community is planning to work upon as part of its Meaningful Use Enhancements (

ViCarePlus Team

arnabnaha wrote on Friday, July 09, 2010:

THanks for a Quick reply. I am using openEMR 3.2.0 and i am talking about the reports in “Patient/Client->Medical Record->Report” the forms are there with a check box infront. i check the box and when i press generate report, it just shows nothing. I read the issue you referred, but it doesnt contain any solution. plz help…

Thanks once again…

visolveemr wrote on Friday, July 09, 2010:


Please provide the system environment

Hope you performed the following steps to generate the report

1. Created LBF
2. During patient encounter, filled the LBF forms created
3. In Patient/Client -> Medical Record -> Report , under issues check on the forms you need to generate reports and click “Generate report”

For us, the generated report contains the values filled in. Please check whether the values for other encounters/forms (Non LBF) are in generated report.

Check the webserver & javascript error log and if possible please do share the screenshots.

Vicareplus Team,

arnabnaha wrote on Friday, July 09, 2010:

Yes, I did all those steps you mentioned. The values of other encounter forms (Non LBF) are in generated report. I will provide you the screen shots. But can you please tell me how and where to check the webserver & javascript log?

Thanks again

arnabnaha wrote on Friday, July 09, 2010:

I am sending the screen shots at your email ID-

arnabnaha wrote on Friday, July 09, 2010:

Thank you Vi Care plus. com. you were awesome. Great help. You solved my problem in 1 day. Now everything is working fine.
For all the forum visitors and members who are searching for answers on openemr, let me tell you that if you have a similar problem with LBF forms, please donot write anything in the “Default value” and "Description value " of the layout. This will solve your this problem.

Thanks once again

visolveemr wrote on Monday, July 12, 2010:

Hi Arnab,

Do let us know what exact change you did to your layouts (after looking into the demo site which we created for you) to solve the problem. LBF forms will work fine even if you’ve values in the “Default value” and “Description value”.

The value present in the “Default value” will be used when the field is left empty.  “Description value” refers to the “title” element.

ViCarePlus Team

arnabnaha wrote on Monday, July 12, 2010:

I did nothing special just filled out the forms the way you did in your demo and left the values for default and description empty. Thats all. Thanks a lot Vi Solve…The are working fine now.

Can you help me loading the ICD 9 data into the database? Where to download and how to import? what should be the file type of the downloaded ICD 9 data? Please help me with this issue. I dont want to type all the ICD 9 data individually…dont have time for that really.

visolveemr wrote on Monday, July 12, 2010:


Edit the database name,username and password in the script file openemr/contrib/util/load_icd_desc.plx and run that file using ./load_icd_desc.plx

ICD9 codes will be loaded in the database.

Please refer the link for more informations

Vicareplus Team,

arnabnaha wrote on Monday, July 12, 2010:

I edited the database name, username and password in the file load_icd_desc.plx using the help link info and sqlconf.php file for the database name, username and password. i ran the perl script after installing perl and installing the mysql database with the command C:\Perl\bin\ppm install DBD-MySQL
Next I used this command in the cmd to load the icd9 data:
C:\Perl\bin\perl c:\xampp\htdocs\openemr\contrib\util\oad_icd_desc.plx

but it says- DBI connect<’ dbname=openemr’," …> failed: Access denied for user’ ’ @localhost’ to database ‘openemr’ at C:\xampp\htdocs\openemr\contrib\util\load_icd_desc.plx line 45.

How can I solve this issue???
What is my database password? where to find it or reset it? i dont remember it asked for a password during openemr installation…

visolveemr wrote on Monday, July 12, 2010:


For xampp, the default password for mysql is empty string. Please try with empty password and let us know.

Vicareplus Team,

arnabnaha wrote on Monday, July 12, 2010:

Whats comment out and uncommenting? How to do these stuff?

arnabnaha wrote on Monday, July 12, 2010:

cmd is showing the same message as above. i think there is a problem in line 45 and 46. the Link said to comment out and uncomment them respectively. please help with that. it would be great if you show me where to put the username and password (if any)

visolveemr wrote on Monday, July 12, 2010:


In file load_icd_desc.plx, the lines 45,46,48,49 is like

my $dbh = DBI->connect(“dbi:mysql:dbname=$DBNAME”) or die $DBI::errstr
  if ($DBNAME);

# my $dbh = DBI->connect(“dbi:mysql:dbname=$DBNAME”, “username”, “password”)
#   or die $DBI::errstr if ($DBNAME);

You need to change that too

#my $dbh = DBI->connect(“dbi:mysql:dbname=$DBNAME”) or die $DBI::errstr
# if ($DBNAME);

my $dbh = DBI->connect(“dbi:mysql:dbname=$DBNAME”, “Your username name here”, “password for db”)
   or die $DBI::errstr if ($DBNAME);

Please make sure you have provided database name against the variable $DBNAME on line 36. Also try login into db using username and password from cmd prompt (just to ensure).

Vicareplus Team,

arnabnaha wrote on Monday, July 12, 2010:

Another issue
I was upgrading from the 3.2.0 version to 4.0.0 dev version just now. I copied era, edi, documents directory. sqlconf.php file but when i started to upgrade the database, i=t showed the following error:

ERROR: insert failed: insert into log ( date, event, user, groupname, success, comments, crt_user) values ( NOW(), ‘login’,‘admin’,‘Default’,‘0’,‘failure:’,’’)

Error: Unknown column ‘success’ in ‘field list’

Please help

arnabnaha wrote on Monday, July 12, 2010:

The sqlconf.php file says that my login is  ‘openemr’ and my password is ‘Op3n3mr’ I Have used both at the places u said and even given the database name at line 36. but it still shows the same thing.

arnabnaha wrote on Monday, July 12, 2010:

I know that I am really disturbing you all but I need these badly. I want my openemr configured fine for my  practice. so please dont mind withall those issues i am sending you now and then…

visolveemr wrote on Monday, July 12, 2010:


Please execute the following command once you logged in mysql.
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON dbname.* TO ‘username’ @’%’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘password’;

Vicareplus Team,