LBF Coding Change Request

juggernautsei wrote on Thursday, April 07, 2011:

I am building an HPI note. I have been running into an issue with making multiple selections from the DROP down list box. Is there a way to change the code that multiple items can be selected from the drop down list? This would make the on screeen form look a lot better then a bunch of check boxes and streamline filling out the form by the staff.

Any input would be great!


sunsetsystems wrote on Thursday, April 07, 2011:

The HTML drop list does not support multiple selections, you need a list at least 2 items high for that (though somewhere there is probably a fancy widget that someone has invented).  A workaround might be to put checkbox items into groups so they can be hidden until needed.  Otherwise a new data type will need to be designed and coded.


juggernautsei wrote on Thursday, April 07, 2011:

Thanks! I will work on that this weekend.


juggernautsei wrote on Thursday, April 07, 2011:

BTW, could you tell me where the below items are stored?

// array of the data_types of the fields
$datatypes = array(
  “1”  => xl(“List box”),
  “2”  => xl(“Textbox”),
  “3”  => xl(“Textarea”),
  “4”  => xl(“Text-date”),
  “10” => xl(“Providers”),
  “11” => xl(“Providers NPI”),
  “12” => xl(“Pharmacies”),
  “13” => xl(“Squads”),
  “14” => xl(“Organizations”),
  “15” => xl(“Billing codes”),
  “21” => xl(“Checkbox list”),
  “22” => xl(“Textbox list”),
  “23” => xl(“Exam results”),
  “24” => xl(“Patient allergies”),
  “25” => xl(“Checkbox w/text”),
  “26” => xl(“List box w/add”),
  “27” => xl(“Radio buttons”),

That would get me going, thanks!


sunsetsystems wrote on Thursday, April 07, 2011:

Since you have that array, you probably already know it’s in interface/super/edit_layout.php.  Most of your changes will need to be in library/  Have fun!
