Suddenly facing a very wierd problem…never happed to me in all these years of using openemr…I was testing the 4.1.1(13) stable version as well as the 4.1.2 development version. In both of these versions, and largely in the development version, the language of the texts inside the application suddenly gets changed to chinese automatically. I need to refresh and then it gets back to English(Indian) again…This happens abruptly and spontaneously from time to time…This chinese translation automatic conversions occurs in every screen, whether i go to new patient or patient demographic or globals…its just ubiquitous…My default language is ENGLISH (INDIAN) and I have unchecked the box in the globals saying: Allow other languages and Allow debugging of languages. I have used these settings for quite sometimes…but never faced any issues with it…This is the first time I am noticing such peculiar changes…Please help
Another thing, while testing/ configuring the 4.1.1 (13) stable version of openemr, i found that this version of openemr automatically logouts spontaneously into the login screen irrespective of the use of the software…it just goes back to login screen even if i am not idle…The idle Logout time in the globals are set to 7200 seconds…still it logs out in 30 seconds andthat too, while I am processing something…very strange…
These translation problems and logout problems started after the 13th patch and the recent official codebase changes in the development version…
This is very odd since patch 13 only introduced several changes in scripts that are not used much (office notes module, superbill report, and chart tracker module). Can you duplicate this on the online demos (feel free to change around the language settings on them).
sorry brady…i was trying to reproduce them on online demo of the development version but i couldnt…i dont know whats causing it…I have not changed any language setting in my server. It just occured automatically…so I dont know the steps to reproduce the problem…The stable version is not showing the language change problem but the development version is…
Perhaps some weird cookie/session thing going on between version. Suggest emptying your browser cookie cache and restarting your computer. Also try it on different browsers.
-brady OpenEMR
Thanks Brady…
I thought so…I was using chrome initially and thought that it might be browser specific…so switched to firefox but the same problem occured…
The only languages which work consistently are English (Standard), Greek, Persian and Vietnamese.
All the other languages appear in English partially or completely and upon a second login, have the error message, site ID missing. Less commonly used languages such as Arabic and Norwegian have the error with the first login.
While making this post … , I just tried the Language settings and everything works as should be also the Dutch translation. Probably someone is making changes without knowing the impact (He or she should be banned since this is going on for a couple of days now. But to make the necessary changes for the future to correct: Just learn to make the steps with the DUMMY Language (Brady suggestion) and you can cure the Demo before the general reset every morning.
The diagnosis is different for the Development Demo.
If it’s part Bengali and part English (see Arnab’s attachment, Menu in English and Rules in Chinese) or if after login #1 or #2 and the error message is “site ID missing”; your/Brady’s Rx, suggested here, won’t cure it.
The patient is not on a respirator, but he is a sick puppy.
The regular Demo has the sniffles, too. With the exception of English (Standard), Dutch and Spanish (Spain), the other languages have some English in the Message and Reminder Center.
I can’t confirm the site ID missing on the logins. Are you working in multiple demos in the same browser?; wonder if you are instead finding session issues(can arise when working on different OpenEMR instances in the same browser at the same time).
From the first link, Italian is 100% translated, but in the regular Demo, the Message and Reminder Center was partially in English. While Persian is 48.65% translated and it was fine this morning.
While using the Development Demo, only one tab was opened in Firefox. I was specifically interested in the Arabic version, but looked at the other languages out of curiosity.
Most of the constants are translatable into definitions. But not everything is translatable but it should only be a minority of words. If you try dummy language and still find many English, you might be able to convince Brady of some kind of problem. I just checked dummy language and it is 100 % translated. Dummy language is not included in the statistics, but can be chosen at Login screen. I just tried it in Demo and Firefox and I could not find any untranslated words in the few screens I checked without loosing my track.