O’kay I have read everything in these forums and I have read the REAME and how-to articles. I have experimented all to no avail.
Printing HCFA form:
1. Cash based practice so need HCFA to print. Tired of handwriting in the codes.
2. OpenEMR installed on a ClarkConnect server which has its own apache server and MySql and Postg server. I am only using the Postg server for freeb otherwise I am using the servers mentioned next.
3. OpenEMR installed in /opt/lammp/htdocs directory of a XAMPP setup (apache, mysql, ftp etc…) and working great. No issues at all except HCFA printing.
I am going to reinstall freeb and sql ledger and try this all over again. Apparently I am having problems with the ownership of the sql ledger installation as I keep getting a Code 5 "Could not connect to the server" error.
Any "gotchas" or suggestions to take while reinventing this wheel. My main concerns are the ownership names and passwords as I feel these are where the problems are.
Another issue that might make a good project is producing a CalrkConnect/OpenEMR distribution that a practice could just drop in and go. The XAMPP project is great and I like it but I think having two apache’s make CVS and CPAN and such a real pain.
Thank you and I apologize for the length of this post.
Clif Caldwell
Idiot. I would flame myself more if I thought it would do any good.
Before I trashed everything I went back through my current setup.
I didn’t have the freeb server running…
I know, just pity me.
Things are close to working. I can now generate a completely blank HCFA form. The "test" out put is
0000 0001 0002 in the browser window. Will try to find the command line "test" command to get more info.
The Village …
Clif Caldwell
Have viewed the log after batch processing.
Here is the result:
PHP Notice: Constant ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC already defined in /opt/lampp/htdocs/openemr-280.119/library/sql.inc on line 6
PHP Notice: Undefined index: SERVER_NAME in /opt/lampp/htdocs/openemr-280.119/includes/config.php on line 64
Creating job for: 205-1492 as hcfa returning pdf.
Claim for PatientID: 205, Encounter: 205-1492 processed successfully. Results are in file:
lpr: error - unable to print file: client-error-not-found
Ignore the printer error. I believe I can get that working easily.
I can log into sql ledger (another small victory after much trouble).
What “Server Name” is this? The entries are pure vanilla I haven’t changed anything.
The notices should go away by turning off in php.ini:
display_errors = Off (somewhere around line 309)
display_startup_errors = Off
SERVER_NAME is a variable that refers to the default SERVER_NAME that your installation is running on. This s variable that you shouldn’t have to mess with.
The error that is gumming up the works is is the print error that can not find your lpr.
Thank you for the response.
One question:
Would the inability to find a printer affect the *.pdf output?
Even without a printer variable shouldn’t the pdf file be populated with the correct HCFA information?