Our git is messed up with 4.1.2 stuff. Anyway, here is patch version of that should mostly work to highlight changes.
Be sure to save whatever you currently have.
Review patch link in this reply to see the changes we made. They may not be useful for all.
If you want to test and you do not have any changes of your own, replace the entire file with patch link from original post.
Thanks…I will test it on my test environment…I donot have any labs feeding hl7…I am in India…here we donot have any concept regarding hl7…but i use the lab interface to print out lab orders for my patients…the only difficulty i face is…i need to select each single investigation at a time…
Interesting. Although Rod’s changes allow entry of a list of tests from a lab, you still select one at a time. Do review the layout changes in this patch.
If you are just entering & printing orders, I am sure you have configured frequently used panels to speed up data entry.
No i have not configured any frequently used panel…btw, what is this panel and where do i find it? I liked the layout changes but this problem which i showed via the screenshot compel me not to use this lab feature…plz help with it…
This is the configuration issue/feature/bug referred in earlier message.
You are ordering 68501-hemoglobin that is associated with 2 orderable items. Change Male, female hb% to be results and not orders.
The feature part of the setup is, if you commonly order e.g. 4 tests together, group them by some name and when you order the group, this bug creates 5(1+4) tests!
Another issue is you have all three items with same code 68501. The ‘code’ for results are short identifiers. Change it to something like HB%-M, HB%-F.
The problem is recreated in current dev demo which does not have our patch. Earlier suggestion should resolve the issue - in developer’s defense, asssigning same code to order and multiple results is strange as it will cause serious reporting errors. However that is for users to learn. The software will need a review to make sure type (‘ord’,‘res’ or ‘grp’) is used in addition to ‘code’.