Lab reports presentation

k8oylos wrote on Wednesday, April 14, 2010:

I am in search of an EMR system and investigating openEMR, which seems really promising.
However, i have a question regarding the way it handles and presents lab values.
As far as i could see, i can upload scanned documents (medical records->documents->lab reports).
However, is there a way of  importing a table, excel, csv etc containing a lab report, so that data can then be presented in a table?
E.g., if i enter several WBC or bio reports for consecutive days, i would like to see results exported in a table as
Date  4/13   4/14 4/15
etc etc
Is that possible?
Thanks in advance for your help

sunsetsystems wrote on Wednesday, April 14, 2010:

OpenEMR 4.0, still in development, will have the ability to enter and store discrete lab results.  Data entry would be either manual via a web form, or electronically from the lab.  In what form is your lab giving them to you?


k8oylos wrote on Saturday, April 17, 2010:

Thanks for the quick reply.
Any idea when 4.0 will be due (approximately)?

juggernautsei wrote on Tuesday, April 20, 2010:

I have been trying to find the lab interface. it is not in the current documentation. Where do I find the interface to manually input the labs?

sgaddis at jse dot net

sunsetsystems wrote on Tuesday, April 20, 2010:

Again, this is not in a current release.  But you can play with it on the CVS demo site at .

Or if you’d like some professional help including installation of code including this feature, email me at rod at sunsetsystems dot com.
