Lab Procedure Order setup

juggernautsei wrote on Tuesday, March 08, 2016:

I am trying to setup the Procedure order system to connect to Half Penny. Their engineer is asking me questions I can’t find any documentation to answer.

He wants to be provided a list relationship codes for GT1-11 and IN1-17. Where do I find that?

He asked "Are “Ask at Order Entry” questions supported? I think i know what this means but any help would be appreicated.

Can the system accept an embedded PDF?


sunsetsystems wrote on Tuesday, March 08, 2016:

Don’t know what you mean by relationship codes.

“Ask at Order Entry” questions are supported, but loading the question data will require some programming and will depend on what format they are provided in. My past experience is that labs will cover the cost of this work.

Yes embedded PDFs are supported.

It’s likely that testing with a new lab will uncover an issue or two, and if so you’ll need programmer assistance for that too.


teryhill wrote on Tuesday, March 08, 2016:

Self, Spouse , child other. look in the lists under subscriber relationship. The results upload will need some tweeking I just finished a lab and had to massage the compendiun load and the results section for the way they sent the HL7 information.

Hollar if you nedd anything else


fsgl wrote on Wednesday, March 09, 2016:

HL7 definitions for Guarantor & Insurance.

juggernautsei wrote on Thursday, March 10, 2016:

I am guessing from the links that were sent to me that they system does not currently support either of these?

fsgl wrote on Thursday, March 10, 2016:

I’ve no experience with HL7, but I would think it would be organised in a similar fashion to Loops & Segments of the 837P.

Ask Terry how he tweaked his compendium.

Click on his name; from his profile you can email him from SourceForge.

teryhill wrote on Friday, March 11, 2016:

I got him Mouse , Thanks as always for your help , I haven’t said it in a while but I really do Appreciate you and your wisdom not just with OpenEMR. (oh and the cookies were great too)


fsgl wrote on Friday, March 11, 2016:

As Elizabeth II would say: “It’s all in the training.” (half joshing).

juggernautsei wrote on Monday, March 28, 2016:

I am looking for an example embedded HL7 PDF. Could someone please post one here?

mdsupport wrote on Monday, March 28, 2016:

You will have to add other hl7 envelope to this OBX segment.

Also attaching the sample temp.pdf for validation.

juggernautsei wrote on Tuesday, March 29, 2016:

Thank you!

juggernautsei wrote on Wednesday, April 27, 2016:

It is has been a real experience growing a programmer over the last 5 yrs. I am grateful to have found this project and become a contributor to the community.

I have been able to make modification to the original code to suite the lab that we are connecting to and the middle man (Halfpenny) that connects the lab to the doctors office.

There is an issue that has turned up with the ARTPNL. The system currently sends it as 4 messages. The lab wants it as one HL7 message.

This is the current challenge among others.

sunsetsystems wrote on Wednesday, April 27, 2016:

Sherwin, thanks for your efforts. Feel free to put your changes on github somewhere so we can consider them for inclusion. This is an area that evolves as we learn more, so it’s important to take advantage of what others do.

Still waking up here. What’s ARTPNL?
