jQuery UI

cfapress wrote on Friday, March 07, 2008:

Have you seen this collection?

There is some very nice stuff in there. The UI Calendar could easily replace the current Javascript calendar and then would also align with the jQuery library used in OpenEMR.

I propose a serious look at including the full jQuery UI into the source code base of OpenEMR.

I also propose that a sym link be created and committed to CVS. Something so that when the jQuery library in OpenEMR changes no code needs to be re-written to include the latest jQuery version. Right now we need to include ‘jQuery_min.1.0.2.js’ or something like that. It would be much better to just include ‘jquery.js’ which would sym link to whatever version is current.



bradymiller wrote on Friday, March 28, 2008:


Jquery is a great library buy it’s constantly releasing new versions(which is good) and deprecating things to stay small. Because of this it will be difficult to assume the code written for one version of jquery will work when upgraded to a newer version of jquery. This is why ( http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?thread_id=1887583&forum_id=202506 ) we decided to keep version names in the library files, and if you look in /openemr/lib/js, who’ll see there’s two versions of the library now(1.1 and 1.2). I’m guessing that version 1.3 will soon be put there when somebody needs to use the newer functionality. These files are small so its not a big deal. What I’m trying to say is I see a real headache forming if we attempt to create a common symlink to a jquery library and then attempt to upgrade the jquery library version. Just my thoughts.
