Issues and suggestions

okhra wrote on Wednesday, September 07, 2005:

I seem to be having some problems navigating the workflow :
1) When I am on the billing screen, typically, I branch off to the ‘patient demographics’ screen to make sure if insurance, patient’s addresses etc are OK. When I do that, I would like to get back to the billing screen where I left off. Right now it’s a pain.
suggestion: I would like to grab the referrer ( where you came from ) to get back, on clicking the ‘Back’ or ‘Home’ or ‘Close’ to where I branched off from.

2) On some screens, it’s ‘Home’ and on others it’s ‘Back’ or ‘Close’. There seems to be some inconsistency in terminology here, which is confusing to the office staff.

3) I would like to freeze the calendar screen ( as suggested by Rod , sometime back).When you click on the patient’s name, or when you try to search for a patient ( from the calendar screen) a new window is created, instead of overlaying the calendar screen. From the demographics screen when you click ‘Close’, the new window would really close.

Please let me know if I am on the right track and if I can go ahead with the above changes, from people who know the system better. All these changes that I am thinking of, has lead me to believe that we have to clearly map out the whole workflow in the system, and separate the workflow logic from the code ( in the past, I’ve worked on Struts and the workflow configuration is in an XML file, and now I realize the importance of doing that way).

I am on Version v2.7.3-rc1.
braman at world dot std dot com

sunsetsystems wrote on Wednesday, September 07, 2005:

Yes, I think it makes sense to use a separate window for the patient-specific displays.

Ideally this would allow multiple patients at once with a separate window for each, but that is a complex task and as a first step it can be just one patient window (for example if you have one patient open and then open another, the new patient would replace the old one in that same window).

In this way your problems (1) and (3) would disappear.

When you have a plan for this worked out why don’t you run it by me, as I might have some suggestions.  Thanks!