ahmadnajjar wrote on Monday, June 09, 2014:
Can you please advice me about the lab results appearance in the system, each results appear triple times each time!! please see the snap shot
I think it should appear once
ahmadnajjar wrote on Monday, June 09, 2014:
Can you please advice me about the lab results appearance in the system, each results appear triple times each time!! please see the snap shot
I think it should appear once
ahmadnajjar wrote on Monday, June 09, 2014:
this is the attachment
fsgl wrote on Monday, June 09, 2014:
The Procedures module is difficult to set up, even for developers.
See this thread for guidance.
mdsupport wrote on Monday, June 09, 2014:
Looks like while configuring procedure order you entered everything as LDL. Use demo site and set up a configuration to get better understanding. Use something like :
Set up OrderTest1
Add Test1Result1
Enter an order for patient and select OrderTest1
Go to results and see the display.
Add Test1Result2
Enter another order for OrderTest1
Go to results and see the display.
That will help you understand the configuration. After that the module is simple to use.