Issue with immunisation report

arnabnaha wrote on Wednesday, July 14, 2010:

After I save the immunisation for a particular patient and click on report just beside the save immunisation button, it shows the report in PDF format. its fine till now. Now in the report it shows the date and time of immunisation. the date is perfect but the time is almost 5 hrs 30 min late than the present time here in india. I think its showing the US time to me. can this be changed? if yes, then how to do it? pls help.

visolveemr wrote on Wednesday, July 14, 2010:


For us, time is getting printed correctly in PDF. Please check the system time in which openemr is installed.

Vicareplus Team,

arnabnaha wrote on Wednesday, July 14, 2010:

Thanks for the reply…
The system time is perfectly fine. Just checked it . I deleted the immunisation record and again created a new immunisation. this time also there is same problem. it shows 9: 38 am whereas the time here in India is 3: 10 pm.
please help…
Thanks in advance…

visolveemr wrote on Wednesday, July 14, 2010:


Comment out the line (add a semicolon before) “date.timezone” in php configuration file and restart the apache webserver.
php configuration file will be in c:/xampp/bin/php/

Vicareplus Team,

arnabnaha wrote on Wednesday, July 14, 2010:

There is already a semi colon infront of it…i am copying and pasting it below:

; Defines the default timezone used by the date functions
;date.timezone = 

there is nothing after that = sign. is it causing the problem???

visolveemr wrote on Wednesday, July 14, 2010:


Just try date.timezone = “Asia/Calcutta” after uncommenting it (remove the  semicolon) and restart the apache webserver.

Vicareplus Team,

arnabnaha wrote on Wednesday, July 14, 2010:

Thanks a lot… It works perfect now