Israeli Ministry of Health project

yaronbs wrote on Monday, February 22, 2016:

The Ministry of Health of Israel wishes to implement OpenEMR in some of its many facilities.
Matrix ( was selected to implement the system.
The project requires many changes and additions to the system, e.g. full RTL support and localization to Israeli standards and protocols, UX and infrastructure upgrades, support for various specialized clinics such as mammography and dialysis (including new forms and reports), communication with medical equipment and scanners and so on.
We plan to make those investments available to the community to help improve OpenEMR.

What would be the best course of action to jumpstart this endeavor?
We would like to emphasize that we are on a tight schedule and that the community’s involvement can more than help make this project a success.

tmccormi wrote on Monday, February 22, 2016:

Thank you for posting. This is great news and I’m sure the OpenEMR community and the Vendors and developer’s that contibute here would be happy to be involved in this project.

I suggest that Matrix should contract one of the primary vendor contributors to act as consulting and integration, project coordination with the OpenEMR community.

Tony McCormick, President OEMR

mbrody wrote on Monday, February 22, 2016:

Can you provide any additional information on the interfaces you wish to
establish with various medical devices. For example do they currently
support communication using HL7 2.x, HL7 v 3.x, CCDA, DICOM, FHIR or
some other published standard?

If the devices support a proprietary interface do the device manufactures
provide a SDK or IG?


On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 3:23 PM, Tony McCormick

Thank you for posting. This is great news and I’m sure the OpenEMR
community and the Vendors and developer’s that contibute here would be
happy to be involved in this project.

I suggest that Matrix should contract one of the primary vendor
contributors to act as consulting and integration, project coordination
with the OpenEMR community.

Tony McCormick, President OEMR

Israeli Ministry of Health project

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yaronbs wrote on Tuesday, February 23, 2016:

Currently there is one device that need to be integrated and a web service interface is being devloped by the client’s devlopment team.