The insurance checkbox in patient demg is missing.I am running OE demo version.I can see insurance information entries in user manual 3.2(and 3.1). Any thoughts how this can be added in or enabled?
thankyou Rod and ViVarePlus,
So the way it works is to enter Patients basic information then Save, then go to Edit mode…just then you can add patient Insurance
Is there a way to have the “Checkbox” for Insurance appear for New patient? like Employer, status….
I created a “group” in Admin/layout/demographics and named it “Insurance” and fillin some params…then I see the checkbox for Insurance ,appear for New patient.
However there are so many fields to fill-in and I do not have all information I need to do that.
I guess it just make sense that not collecting insurance infromation until patient “general info” is entered…I wonder if this is common practice in clinics/doc offices.
It’s mostly just design choice by the programmer, since the insurance information is not in the same table as the patient data. As Rod says, anything is possible…
Just need to marry the following two scripts:
—openemr/interface/new/new_comprehensive.php (current screen seen for new patient data entry, which doesn’t have insurance)
—openemr/interface/patient_file/summary/demographics_full.php (current screen for editing an already created patient, which does have insurance)
So, would basically replace new_comprehensive.php with demographics_full.php, but ensure keep all the searching/createNew functionality of new_comprehensive.php .
I’m new to OpenEMR. I implemented Brady’s suggestion to marry the two scripts. I also changed the code to force a date of ‘0000-00-00’ if the insurance effective date is not entered.
I changed the following files: new_comprehensive.php, new_comprehensive_save.php, demographics_save.php
I’d like to upload the files to CVS - how should I go about it?
Sounds great. Are you developing in the development version (or with 3.2)? What operating system are you using; if using linux, then create a patch and place it in the ‘code review’ tracker here on sourceforge. If using windows, then zip the modified files and place in the ‘code review’ tracker. After you place an item in the tracker, leave a message here on the forum so the developers know about it.
Had to make several changes for it to work. Note fixDate() function deals
with your isssue in demographics_save.php, so no need for those changes. I
posted the patch for the development tip (i already committed it), so you
can look and see what you missed. At some point, if test well, will migrate
to 3.2 version for a patch.
The changes will show up in the cvs demo tomorrow. Good idea to test it out; let me know if issues.
Now i see your issue with demographics_save.php. If a user goes out of their way to make it blank, then it will insert the current day into the database. Not sure why this is the case.
Is the above behavior purposeful (possible, since as I recall from some of Joe’s postings changing those dates are used to keep track of past insurance companies)
If you mean the Effective Date, that is very important to the logic that saves the insurance info, as well as to the claims generation logic. I think it’s safest to default it to the current date. If you set it to 0000-00-00 or anything else that pre-dates entries previously entered, then those entries will be discarded.
Brady, how do I get your patches? I can’t see it on CVS browse.
Rod, what I saw was when adding a new patient record with only the primary insurance, leaving the secondary and tertiary insurance empty, three insurance records were added to the database - the primary record was okay, but the secondary and tertiary records had only the effective date populated with the current date. I thought that was misleading, as I assume they should be empty. That was the reason I forced those dates to be 0000-00-00
Thanks, Ed
Migrated this to the 3.2.0 branch, so can test in the 3.2.0 cvs demo on
wiki starting tomorrow. Will include in next 3.2 patch. Here are the 3.2
files if you want to test them out on your 3.2 version:*checkout*/openemr/openemr/interface/new/new_comprehensive_save.php?revision=*checkout*/openemr/openemr/interface/new/new_comprehensive.php?revision=