Now using XAMP-OpenEMR on Toshiba Satellite with Win7 HomePremium, this computer as our “server”. My medical assistant is using (nicer) Toshiba Satellite with Vista, and she has been entering patients, appointments and insurance data all evening. Unfortunately, NONE of the payor/insurance data is saving to the program. Needless to say, this is a problem for us.
Your ASAP advice is highly sought!
Linda E. Hungerford, M.D.
Illinois USA
Are you getting any errors outputted to the screen or to the php error log? I am assuming since placed .05 above that you installed patch #5. Did you install patch #5 according to the following instructions:
(if you didn’t do step 3, then will have problems)
If above is not the case and there are no errors on screen or in the php error log, then is it working from the win7 home premium computer, but not the vista computer?
Insurance data is not entering on either the Win7 or the Vista computers. We do not receive any screen messages on either computer. Yes, I tried to follow the 0.05 patch instructions word for word.
I will poke around and see if I can find any php errors; will need some pointers on where to look.
Linda E. Hungerford, M.D.
the Apache error log contains the following:
PHP Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in C:\\xampp-openemr-4.1.0\\xampp\\htdocs\\openemr\\library\\adodb\\ on line 3545, referer: https://doctorlinda-pc/openemr/interface/main/main_title.php
Trial and error… Individual’ insurance info will save once an encounter is created. Tested it using my name and demographics plus self pay etc and everything saved.
Seems a little cart before the horse so to speak, but I also see that this could be a deterrent to insurance fraud.
?Is it supposed to work this way?
Linda H., M.D.