If any one have clear idea of how to generate claim and pay with insurance amount then let me know and give us the flow of this features ?
hi @disha, it’s still roughly the same as this guide from an old version.
yeah i know this even i have generated claim also but in insurance it is showing copay box not insurance rupees box so not getting proper idea how this insurance information form is working ?so as i want to know that in openEMR 5.0.1 version in demographics page INSURANCE BALANCE DUE given. Is actually showing which balance amount ?
hi @disha, if the patient has an insurance with an effective date that covers the date of the encounter it will show as insurance pending until payments are posted against it
ok that means that i have to just add the insurance details and afterwords generate the claim only then after sending downloaded papers then they will send the claimed money right but till that time my insurance amount will be seen on demographic page as insurance balance due right? as now i am working on this for practice so not going to do all formalities so i can only generate claim not gonna get afterwords data right ?