I installed a local instance of OpenEMR on a Windows instance. I am successfully able to launch the application and work around it. However, the FHIR APIs are not reachable for my local installation. Is there any other added installation process that needs to be done.
I have enabled the FHIR APIs and Standard APIs in Admin >> Global settings. Still the FHIR APIs are not reachable.
My local install of OpenEMR is http://localhost/openemr/ and the FHIR API i am trying to access is
Then i installed the same on a Linux system but having same issues.
OpenEMR Version
I’m using OpenEMR version - 7.0.0
I’m using: Edge
Operating System
Did you check the logs?
Was there anything pertinent in them?
Please paste them here (surround with three backticks (```) for readability.
You can also turn on User Debugging under Administration->Globals->Logging User Debugging Options=>All