I installed XAMPP on my Windows XP machine, then OpenEMR on top of that. I went through the setup.php process. The last step says:
The initial OpenEMR user is "admin" and the password is "pass". You should change this password!
Click here to start using OpenEMR.
I click that link and get a login page that asks for Username and Password.
I have tried:
the SERVER login and password that I entered when I set it up
the CLIENT root and password that I entered when I set it up
Now I’m all out of usernames and passwords. What do I do? How do I get in?
host … I left it ‘localhost’
port … I left it ‘3306’
db … I left it ‘openemr’
login … I left it ‘openemr’
password … I entered ‘openemr1’
host … I left it ‘localhost’
root … I left it ‘root’
password … I left it blank
user … I entered ‘paul’
name … I entered ‘Paul D Alder’
group … I entered ‘Alder Family Chiropractic’
I added the following line to globals.php:
$webserver_root = "d:/xampp/htdocs/openemr"
This is the directory that contains the OpenEMR stuff.
These are the Username/Password I’ve tried with interface/login_screen.php:
admin/pass (as suggested in the last step of setup.php)