Installation Problems - setup redirecting to www

karotu wrote on Thursday, October 06, 2016:


I have just uploaded this software to a subdomain for a client.

The domain is setup as follows

Now, when I type in in the browser, somehow I get a redirect to
…which is wrong… this happens once I hit enter. You can see the status bar showing up

How can I set this up properly so it doesn’t do the redirect?

Best regards,


cmswest wrote on Thursday, October 06, 2016:

maybe an apache config issue, assuming debian based, have you looked in /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf for document root value?

karotu wrote on Monday, October 10, 2016:

Hi Stephen,

I don’t think this is the problem. If I setup Joomla in the same directory, it does show up normally… no prepending of the www in front of everything…

Is there something like a .httaccess setting or similar in the code that is possibly doing this?

I will re-confirm this again and get back…
