drbowen wrote on Saturday, April 09, 2005:
Instructions for Installing OpenEMR on SUSE Linux
This document describes how to obtain and install OpenEMR on Linux platforms. This document was tested on SUSE 9.1.
Prerequisites for OpenEMR are:
* Apache
* Mysql
* CVS (for developers)
Installation of Apache & MYSQL
1. Install Apache through the Yast Runlevel Editor (YaST)
Follow these steps:
"Install" -> "Selection" then check the "Simple Webserver with Apache"
Install Mysql through YaST by checking Mysql server "Mysql" from "Package Group" filter. You can add, if you want, the "MySQL Control Center, a Mysql GUI Client." Just check the "mysqlcc" into Databases->Clients folder.
If you are not sure about running some services, you can check these:
root$ mysql u root p mysql
Enter password: xxxxxxxxx
Welcome to the MySQL monitor
If you see such message, MySQL is working.
Create a test.php file and add the following lines to it:
Make sure the file is in the root directory, /srv/www/htdocs/ and then pull it up on the browser, as follows:
http://localhost/test.php or http://your-ip-number-here/test.php
If you see a page that shows PHP configuration information, you know that you have PHP working.
2. Obtaining OpenEMR
Choose which distribution to install. We reccomend installing a stable (production) or development release.
OpenEMR can be downloaded from:
* http://sourceforge.net/projects/openemr, where you can download last openemr-X.Y…tar.bz2 version
* Sourceforge CVS where you can download development version use the following CVS commands:
cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/openemr login
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/openemr co -P openemr
After this, the last development version of OpenEMR will be in your current directory.
3. Installation OpenEMR
3.1 As a root user extract openemr using:
tar -zxvf openemr-x.y… tar.gz
Extract files from openemr-x.y…tar.gz
tar jxvf openemr-x.y… tar.bz2
Extract files from openemr-x.y…tar.bz2
command to extract files into /srv/www/htdocs/ folder.
3.2 Use you favorite editor to open the globals.php file, which is in /srv/www/htdocs/openemr/interface dir
Line 10 should read: $webserver_root = /srv/www/htdocs/openemr
Line 17 should read: $web_root = "/openemr"
3.3 Start Web browser and type the following Web address: http://localhost/openemr/setup.php
Click "Continue" button for installation
For the first step, choose "Have setup create the databases" or "I have already created the databases."
I checked the first option and clicked the "Continue" button.
The statement is to change the permission on: openemr/library/sqlconf.php
As the root user, issue the following command: # chmod 777 /var/www/html/openemr/library/sqlconf.php
Then click the "Continue" button on the OpenEMR startup script.
I chose the following entries:
* Server Host: I chose “localhost”
* Server Port: I used default value, 3306 for Mysql
* Database name: I used for this test the “openemr” name
* Login Name: I used “openemr” name
* Password: I used the “openemr1” password for this test
* User Hostname: I used the “localhost” name
* Root Password: This is mysql root password like “mysql_root_password”
* Initial User: You can use your principal doctor’s user name. for my test, I used “drwhite” name
* Initial User’s Name: You can use your principal real doctor’s name as OpenEMR administrator. I used “Bill White” as this test example.
* Initial Group: You can use your medical practice name. I used for this example the “Apollo” name.
Click "Continue" and soon you will be seeing a message that reads, "Congratulations …"
The next startup script screen will ask you to change the owner of: /srv/www/htdocs/openemr/interface/main/calendar/modules/PostCalendar/pntemplates/*
In the copy of OpenEMR that I downloaded, two directories seem to be missing:
So I create them:
# mkdir
# mkdir
And then:
# chown nobody:nogroup
# chown nobody:nogroup
These last two directories are necessary for the calendar to function correctly.
4. Perform post-installation setup for OpenEMR
4.1 Start the Web server and mysql database.
4.2 Type the following address: http://localhost/openemr/index.php in any Web browser and press Enter.
4.3 In Login screen, my choice was:
username = drwhite
password = pass
4.4 When OpenEMR is activated, you can change the initial user password by clicking on "Change Password." Change the password by using the two text box fields. Restart openemr and enter again drwhite and his new password.
4.5 Edit your Practice form information by clicking "Practice Settings" under "Administration" menu.
4.6 Edit your Login form, deleting the two one-time use information "login = drwhite" and "password = pass".
For this, open edit /srv/www/htdocs/openemr/interface/login/login.php
Make html comment to these variables (login = admin and password = pass).
4.7 Change time limit from default timeout 480 to 3600, edit the /srv/www/htdocs/openemr/interface/globals.php and change $timeout from 480 to, for example, 3600
If you have questions, please send an e-mail to Nikolai Vitsyn at Open Source Medical Software for help with SUSE installation