Installation fails in WAMP

websesame wrote on Wednesday, May 05, 2010:

When I start to install in my current Wamp setup I get following errors :

Notice: Undefined index: state in C:\wamp\www\openemr\setup.php on line 10
OpenEMR Setup

Notice: Undefined index: server in C:\wamp\www\openemr\setup.php on line 111
Notice: Undefined index: port in C:\wamp\www\openemr\setup.php on line 112
Notice: Undefined index: dbname in C:\wamp\www\openemr\setup.php on line 113
Notice: Undefined index: root in C:\wamp\www\openemr\setup.php on line 114
Notice: Undefined index: login in C:\wamp\www\openemr\setup.php on line 115
Notice: Undefined index: pass in C:\wamp\www\openemr\setup.php on line 116
Notice: Undefined index: loginhost in C:\wamp\www\openemr\setup.php on line 117
Notice: Undefined index: collate in C:\wamp\www\openemr\setup.php on line 118
Notice: Undefined index: rootpass in C:\wamp\www\openemr\setup.php on line 119
Notice: Undefined index: iuser in C:\wamp\www\openemr\setup.php on line 120
Notice: Undefined index: iuname in C:\wamp\www\openemr\setup.php on line 121
Notice: Undefined index: igroup in C:\wamp\www\openemr\setup.php on line 122
Notice: Undefined index: openemrBasePath in C:\wamp\www\openemr\setup.php on line 123
Notice: Undefined index: openemrWebPath in C:\wamp\www\openemr\setup.php on line 124


Notice: Undefined index: server in C:\wamp\www\openemr\setup.php on line 111
Notice: Undefined index: port in C:\wamp\www\openemr\setup.php on line 112
Notice: Undefined index: dbname in C:\wamp\www\openemr\setup.php on line 113
Notice: Undefined index: root in C:\wamp\www\openemr\setup.php on line 114
Notice: Undefined index: login in C:\wamp\www\openemr\setup.php on line 115
Notice: Undefined index: pass in C:\wamp\www\openemr\setup.php on line 116
Notice: Undefined index: loginhost in C:\wamp\www\openemr\setup.php on line 117
Notice: Undefined index: collate in C:\wamp\www\openemr\setup.php on line 118
Notice: Undefined index: rootpass in C:\wamp\www\openemr\setup.php on line 119
Notice: Undefined index: iuser in C:\wamp\www\openemr\setup.php on line 120
Notice: Undefined index: iuname in C:\wamp\www\openemr\setup.php on line 121
Notice: Undefined index: igroup in C:\wamp\www\openemr\setup.php on line 122
Notice: Undefined index: openemrBasePath in C:\wamp\www\openemr\setup.php on line 123
Notice: Undefined index: openemrWebPath in C:\wamp\www\openemr\setup.php on line 124

**AFTER  SETUP(instead of Login)

Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in C:\wamp\www\openemr\library\adodb\ on line 852
Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in C:\wamp\www\openemr\library\adodb\ on line 858
Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in C:\wamp\www\openemr\library\adodb\ on line 1165
Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in C:\wamp\www\openemr\library\adodb\ on line 1930
Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in C:\wamp\www\openemr\library\adodb\ on line 2950
Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in C:\wamp\www\openemr\library\adodb\ on line 3476
Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in C:\wamp\www\openemr\library\adodb\ on line 3516
Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in C:\wamp\www\openemr\library\adodb\ on line 3535

Consequently I get a blank  login page. Any suggestions what has gone wrong ?

bradymiller wrote on Wednesday, May 05, 2010:


In your php configuration file(php.ini) ensure you have the following settings(if you change any settings, ensure you re-start the apache server):


websesame wrote on Wednesday, May 05, 2010:

I already did alter php.ini  but it doesn’t make any difference

visolveemr wrote on Thursday, May 06, 2010:


What is the version of PHP you are using with WAMP? I think "Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated " in php 5.3 .

“Undefined index” means the variable you are trying to use doesn’t exist. Looks like it is not recognizing the POST variables.

ViCarePlus Team

bradymiller wrote on Thursday, May 06, 2010:

I think these are all just benign errors.
What’s your openemr version, operating system version, and WAMP version?
What is the webpath that you use to go to openemr (ie. the web address in your browser)?
Are these errors going to the screen or your log file?
If it’s going to your screen, where it the php.ini file that you are modifying.
(Remember to restart your apache server after modifying your php.ini file).

blankev wrote on Thursday, May 06, 2010:

Brady, Rod, and others,

with regularity this seems to creep into OpenEMR installation. There is a solution, but what could be the cause. The self installing OpenEMR file in Windows does intsall itself without any hassle  on most computers.

I have tough one computer and it seems that an old installation of Apache is giving these same  problems  as mentioned above with the installation via Click and Go? (Windows XP version OEM3.2……)

Could this be the case? Can an old installation of an other program that uses Apache Server and uses different passwords in the SERVER setting give rise to make installation more than the usualy openEMR.EXE installation. If that is the case how can I delete all Server Apache instances before installing a new OpenEMR?

Tnx Pimm

ychanf3h wrote on Monday, May 10, 2010:

I have the exactly the same issue when I installed on WampServer2.0i.  This WampServer package comes with
a. mysql5.1.36
b. php5.3.0
c. Apache2.2.11

The error I found on the apache error log shows some undefined variable on the setup.php:
Undefined index: state in C:\\wamp2\\www\\oemr3d2\\setup.php on line 10
Undefined index: server in C:\\wamp2\\www\\oemr3d2\\setup.php on line 111
Undefined index: port in C:\\wamp2\\www\\oemr3d2\\setup.php on line 112
Undefined index: dbname in C:\\wamp2\\www\\oemr3d2\\setup.php on line 113
Undefined index: root in C:\\wamp2\\www\\oemr3d2\\setup.php on line 114
Undefined index: login in C:\\wamp2\\www\\oemr3d2\\setup.php on line 115
Undefined index: pass in C:\\wamp2\\www\\oemr3d2\\setup.php on line 116
Undefined index: loginhost in C:\\wamp2\\www\\oemr3d2\\setup.php on line 117
Undefined index: collate in C:\\wamp2\\www\\oemr3d2\\setup.php on line 118
Undefined index: rootpass in C:\\wamp2\\www\\oemr3d2\\setup.php on line 119

Can someone help?

websesame wrote on Monday, May 10, 2010:

Yes the self install XAMPP package installs without problem on another computer. But I already have a computer with WAMP5 already installed. OpenEMR fails. to install on this one.

bradymiller wrote on Monday, May 10, 2010:


These are just notices (benign errors):

What do you see when you try to run openemr?

Ensure you have the following php.ini setttings (and restart apache server if you modify the settings):
