Install in directory

merse99 wrote on Saturday, May 02, 2009:

I’ve installed openemr in a directory an am getting an error for global.php on line 39.

This is my path

What needs to be changed in the globals.php?


What needs to be changed in the config file?

$web_root = "/public_html/openemr"; I tried this. 

$webserver_root = "/wamp/www".$web_root;


bradymiller wrote on Saturday, May 02, 2009:

in openemr/interface/globals.php :
$webserver_root = "/home/site/public_html/openemr";

If above doesn’t work, let me know your operating system and openemr version


merse99 wrote on Saturday, May 02, 2009:

Operating system is Linux
openemr version is 3.3.8

I changed line 39 to as follows

require_once($webserver_root = "/home/site/public_html/openemr");

These are the errors

Warning: main(/home/site/public_html/openemr) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/site/public_html/openemr/interface/globals.php on line 39

Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘/home/site/public_html/openemr’ (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/site/public_html/openemr/interface/globals.php on line 39

aperezcrespo wrote on Saturday, May 02, 2009:

  That off the OpenEMR.Net (walts pennington) site.  Did you look in their forums?

Also verify your webservers permissions to that directory.

merse99 wrote on Saturday, May 02, 2009:

Yes I downloaded from that site.  Is there a differerence in where it is downloaded from?  The forums there are not that active. 

merse99 wrote on Saturday, May 02, 2009:

I downloaded and it installed with no problem.  Thanks all. 

drbowen wrote on Saturday, May 02, 2009:

Unfortunately, Possibility Forge maintains a completely different project that is not associated with this project. The 3.3.8 has been there since uh… maybe fall of 2006.

Sam Bowen, MD