Insrtallation problem

blankev wrote on Tuesday, June 03, 2008:

Table ‘openemr.groups’ doesn’t exist (#1146)

After all stepps taken I am now stuck in step 3 of the installation. What to do? WHere to find a soluiton?

Thx in adavance for the many answers I found in the help forum so I am sure to get an answer within no time, but pls forgive my stupidity.


drbowen wrote on Tuesday, June 03, 2008:

Dear Pimm,

This is an unusual error message.  I have not seen anyone have trouble with a missing ‘openemr.groups’.  Which version of OpenEMR are you using? 

I would suspect that a missing openemr.groups table means that the OpenEMR was corrupted during the download.  This happens occasionally and repeating the OpenEMR download may solve this problem.

Sam Bowen, MD

blankev wrote on Wednesday, June 04, 2008:

Thank for the Advise. I got all working but was so fed-up with the errors I decided to delete every possible change I had made in the Past concerning PHP MySQL and Apache installations. THen installed Xampp the windows install operen source product and that set me on the road. For fairness I neet to say that I want to thank Collegue Dr Izan for his installation guidelines and all other who responded with questions and remarks. Dr Bown for his advise to reload, although it did not work it made me realize I was not fit for installation on my own.

Now I will continue to install Calendar and move on stepn by step.

Pimm Blankevoort, Curacao Neth. Antilles

drbowen wrote on Wednesday, June 04, 2008:

Dear Pimm,

What error messages were you getting?

"Warnings" are not a real problem and can be handled by a setting in Apache.

"Fatal errors" are important and may take some assistance.

Dr. Michiel Bosman in Amsterdam is a native Dutch speaker.  Perhaps he might be willing to help?

Sam Bowen, MD

blankev wrote on Thursday, June 05, 2008:

I am running around in openEMR, butr some thing don’t work as yet. Where can I find a step by step installation of the Calendar installation? Although I found sound advise I still do not understand how to fix this problem.

As goes for Rx part of openEMR.

I can implement new staff members, address book entries, new patients and all kind og extra infromation for the patient encounters. But with only one day experience, I suppose it must be possible even for me to find a spot to give me the YUES I found "IT" again.

Does Michiel Bosman have a spot/place/blog/address where I can get in contact with him?


blankev wrote on Thursday, June 05, 2008:

I am running around in openEMR, but some things don’t work as yet. Where can I find a step by step installation guide of the Calendar installation? Although I found sound advise I still do not understand how to fix this problem.

As goes for Rx part of openEMR.

I can implement new staff members, address book entries, new patients and all kind of extra information for the patient encounters. But with only one day experience, I suppose it must be possible even for me to find a spot to give me the YUS I found "IT" again.

Does Michiel Bosman have a spot/place/blog/address where I can get in contact with him?


drbowen wrote on Thursday, June 05, 2008:

Are you able to log into OpenEMR?

Dr. Bosman:

Executiver Vice President of Marketing: Michiel Bosman, MD MS MMM

Dr. Bosman is a medical doctor licensed in 1995. He is a Consultant Psychiatrist in the Netherlands.

He is CEO of Bosman GGZ, a mental health institute with ambulatory care centers in major cities in the Netherlands.

Furthermore he is President of the European College of Physician Executives, a not-for-profit organisation whose sole purpose is to support physicians in acquiring the leadership skills and credentials necessary to effectively lead at all levels in organizations and in all sectors of the health care industry.

In 2007 Dr. Bosman earned his Master of Medical Management degree from Carnegie Mellon University.

Sam Bowen, MD

blankev wrote on Thursday, June 05, 2008:

Thank you. Yes I have login rights for open EMR and can add Staff members and patients.

Now I need to activate CALENDAR or should I do a reinatall? What makes it automaticaly?

I send an e-mail to Michiel Bosman but not yet a response.

TNX for your quick responses.

MySQL is working OK did all the tests to make a database en add a table with ‘CAT’ as suggested else where from one of the help advisors.


cfapress wrote on Thursday, June 05, 2008:

Are you saying that the calendar is not working? It’s one of the main pieces to the software. Just after you log in to OpenEMR you should see the calendar. Although it may not look like a calendar in the sense that it doesn’t show a row and column format of days.

Are is there something else that’s not working and I just don’t understand?


drbowen wrote on Thursday, June 05, 2008:

Dear Pimm,

There are different types of errors that can occur.  What does the calendar look like?

You may need to increase your maximum memory in the php.ini file.  The Calendar takes a lot of memory compared to the rest of OpenEMR and this is actually the most common problem.

Php.ini is in the:


There are threads on this earlier in this forum.

Sam Bowen, MD

blankev wrote on Friday, June 06, 2008:

When I login with User and Password I get in the right top window the message:

Fatal error: Smarty plugin error: in C:\xampp\htdocs\openemr\interface\main\calendar\modules\PostCalendar\pnincludes\Smarty\Smarty.class.php on line 2008

I made the directories as mentioned earlier and made them R/W.

I followed your suggestions on the PHP.ini file, no different result. I now will restart my computer since a new login without the restart gave the same message.


blankev wrote on Friday, June 06, 2008:

Changed memory sttings of PHP.ini from 34 to 128 but still no calendar. Only fatal error mesaage as shown above.

Need to do a re install, to solve all my problems? If so, what version of Xampp (WINDOWS INSTALL)and openEMR are most stabel to give good results on WINDOWS XP stand-alone PC-desktop setting?


blankev wrote on Friday, June 06, 2008:

Is it for a relative newcomer to this project advisable to install Mandriva? Is it then necessary to learn LINUX before I can install openEMR? Seems like a nice product and solution, but I really do not want to learn even more software installation. Defenetely no soft ware that I am not able to use to full extend.

Please give me some other sound advise of how to get things running like they should.  When I read all the HELP forum discussions, I seem to be the only one not able to find solutions and make openEMR running like it shoud be…


drbowen wrote on Monday, June 09, 2008:

Dear Pimm,

Where are you getting your files from?  I hate to add confusion to this mess but openEMR is not the same as OpenEMR.  Though an unfortunate series of events their are two versions that are not the same.  Make sure you are downloading your files from this project.

You should be using the file not openemr-2.8.3.tar.gz.  The openemr-2.8.3.tar.gz is a Linux / Unix file. The line ending in Unix and Windows are different.  This causes some weird behaviors.  Try this one and unzip with a program like "WinZip" before installing:

Which operating system that you choose depends on you and your strength as an IT administrator.  If you are most familiar with Windows, then stick with Windows. 

If you want to use Linux then you ought to consider getting a pre-packaged solution.  If you don’t know Linux, the learning curve is rather steep.  For those of us that have gotten past the initial HOWTO on Linux, we feel that the advantages are well worth it.  We love the idea of getting highly stable, faster performing software.  

We see the world in a dramatically new way.  Instead of living in the bottom of a cave where there is no light and Microsoft drops you a flash light to see with.  When your batteries burn out you have to keep buying new ones.  Every three years you find out that they don’t make your batteries any more and you have to buy a new flash light. Once you swim to the surface you find out that don’t need a flashlight and neither do have to buy batteries.

For those of us that haven choose to go down this road, there is usually no tuning back.  Our eyes have been opened, our ears have been unstopped, but it does take work to get to the surface.

OpenEMR is not just a single program that you can "double click", install and be ready to run.  It takes some IT admin skills because it means installing and operating a web server (Apache or IIS), an SQL database (MySQL), a programming language (PHP) and finally the web based product that we call OpenEMR.

On Windows, XAMPP takes out a lot of the pain of setting things up.


Sam Bowen, MD