I downloaded the xampp-openemr-4.1.1.zip. Unzipped it to the C: drive.
Following instructions … Double click C:/xampp/mysql/mysql_installservice
All I get is:
"Installing MySQL as an Service
The system cannot find the file specified.
Install/Remove of the Service Denied!
Try to start the MySQL deamon as service …
System error 5 has occurred.
Tried option 1 to install and got error message as above.
So, now with option 2 I get
From Cold start on Window 7 System
Starting XAMPP Control Panel V3.0.12 gets me the following:
Uninstall the service manually first
MySQL Service Detected With Wrong Path
Uninstall the service manually first
Possible problem detected!
Port 3306 in use by “mysqld.exe!”
FileZilla Service Detected with Wrong Path
Uninstall the service manually first
Starting Check-Timer
Control panel ready
Panel shows MySQL is highlighted in green and PID = 2552 Port = 3306
The Action button is “Stop” on the MySQL line.
Clicking on Apache “start’ button on panel gets me the following:
Starting apache service …
But nothing happens.
If exit out of panel. Then use apache_uninstallservice.bat file, the cmd box says the service is not started, etc.
Then use Mysql_uninstallservice.bat, the cmd box says System error 5 has occurred, etc.
If then go back to XAMPP Control, get the same results as above.
Been playing around with services on Windows 7 and also am getting the bad path error. Very strange; those .bat files are very simple. Not sure why they are not working. Will continue to play around and search google. To remove the services, start the xampp contral panel as an administrator and then click on the green check mark to the left of each. After this, you should be able to click Start to start them (this doesn’t fix the service issue, but at least you will get it working for now).
-brady OpenEMR
Yes, was running the scripts as administrator, but for some reason the paths were not being set correctly. If I placed ''cd /d %~dp0" at the top of the .bat files then they would work. But the best solution is to just run the xampp_control as an administrator and to install the services there (this is what the instructions now tell users to do).