In search of an encounter summary report

elandau1260 wrote on Tuesday, October 07, 2014:

I have a patient requesting a summary of the last 10 encounters (date range really) so she can bill insurance. I could print a whole bunch of CMS1500 forms but was wondering if there was a way to get at a summary of fee-sheet entries (ICD-9 & CPT-4 codes and prices)… for a date-range (or even an single encounter?) ? It would see so obvious but I cannot find this report. I’ve tried Fees > Billing… and tried in the Reports section.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks all!


visolveemr wrote on Tuesday, October 07, 2014:

The encounter details(CPT&ICD) report can be found in below mentioned page
Navigate to
Patient Demographic -> Reports -> Select Encounter form, and click “Download PDF” button

Total fee details report can be generated in “EOBs”
Navigate to

OpenEMR Customization/Support Team,
ViSolve Inc
Demo’s @ ViSolve Demo Library

elandau1260 wrote on Tuesday, October 07, 2014:


The Fees -> Billing -> EOB PDF is a good start but is slightly illegible by a patient and contains no diagnosis codes (needed to bill insurance).

The Patient Demographics -> Reports PDF and Generate Report (both of which do the same thing) shows this big huge list of ICD and CPT codes… which is what I was after but it looks unprofessional. Unfortunate…

I appreciate the pointer though. Much appreciated !!!
