In CVS sql-ledger is under openemr?

tekknogenius wrote on Monday, April 04, 2005:

Why is there a sql-ledger directory under the openemr root? Is this a new branch or something?

sunsetsystems wrote on Monday, April 04, 2005:

The CVS root for the OpenEMR project is  It contains 3 sub-projects: openemr, sql-ledger and freeb.  As far as I know there’s only that one sql-ledger there.  Is that what you are talking about?

– Rod <rod at sunsetsystems dot com>

drbowen wrote on Monday, April 04, 2005:

Dear Tekkno,

Mea culpa.

I performed a less than skillful commit which duplicated my entire tree including this SQL-Ledger folder.

I didn’t have the courage (and likely the skill) to remove it.  Someone else removed most of the duplications last week. 

If you could remove it I will be grateful.

Sam Bowen, MD

tekknogenius wrote on Monday, April 04, 2005:

Oh, that’s what it was.

andres_paglayan wrote on Wednesday, April 06, 2005:

I deleted all files from sql-ledger and freeb tree,
but it seems that in CVS there is no way to delete a directory, so the empty skeleton will lay there until we wipe the whole repo out and re-install a new working copy,
please correct me if I’am wrong,

tekknogenius wrote on Thursday, April 07, 2005:

Great. I was trying to delete those directories too. Perhaps we were doing it at the same time… Are you gonna get rid of the .svn directory too?

andres_paglayan wrote on Thursday, April 07, 2005:

nah, the only solution I found so far to make the directories disappear is deleting the entire repository and making a new import from scratch, I’ll pop an email in the cvs listserver to see what I get

wpennington wrote on Thursday, April 07, 2005:

A support issue can be requested from and one of the admins may delete those directories. 

anonymous wrote on Thursday, April 07, 2005:

I  support that one of the admin may delete this duplicate openemr directory.

andres_paglayan wrote on Thursday, April 07, 2005:

thanks for the tip, I’ll post to them now,

andres_paglayan wrote on Thursday, April 07, 2005:

the recursive folders have been deleted by sf support.

sunsetsystems wrote on Sunday, April 10, 2005:

Looks like we have a similar problem again.  Why is there now an openemr directory under the openemr root?  It appears to be a duplicate of the root.

– Rod <rod at sunsetsystems dot com>

tekknogenius wrote on Monday, April 11, 2005:

Who is the "commiter"?

sunsetsystems wrote on Monday, April 11, 2005:

Looks like vitsyn.  We seem to have the following unwanted directories (and their contents):


I suspect a couple of the other directories under interface/forms/ may be unwanted also.

– Rod <rod at sunsetsystems dot com>

drbowen wrote on Monday, April 11, 2005:

RE: Vitsyn
nikolai added as tests for him to learn the CVS commit and can be safely deleted:

Is likely an echo from the past and not needed:


This will need to be added back in as we get the ankle form fixed.

andres_paglayan wrote on Monday, April 11, 2005:

Strange, I just updated and no openemr nor sql-ledger folders where downloaded from the repository as sf support deleted them.
but If browse the web repo I see it and there is no comment about who commited.
I will post an sf support ticket.

sunsetsystems wrote on Monday, April 11, 2005:

Try "cvs update -d".  It does not pick up new directories without the -d flag.  Yes sql-ledger was removed but you should see the directories I mentioned.

– Rod <rod at sunsetsystems dot com>