While trying to import *.TXT (-file), I succeed with the good results: 26205 rows affected, in almost all tables, but importing in TABLE `patient_data` I get only one row affected… WHAT goes WRONG??? I tried to delete all input in related tables, without any improvement.
I used the following SQL statement(and lots of related similar tries):
LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE ‘C:\\pat.txt’ INTO TABLE `patient_data` FIELDS TERMINATED BY ‘;’ ENCLOSED BY ‘"’ ESCAPED BY ‘\’ LINES TERMINATED BY ‘\r\n’(`fname` , `lname` , `DOB` , `street` , `ss` , `phone_home`)
Please give me a hint so I can continue exploring OpenEMR and/or OpenEPR
Pimm, after so many tries is feeling desperate and stupid
you are not as stupid as you might think. But you will find a solution by trying the impossible.
Importing existing files with MSExcel-2003 from Windows XP into OpenEMR on localhost machine:
1. make some basic entries in OpenEMR. (This will show you the minimum fields to be filled for necessary obligatory field input. Do this before you do many inputs using total possibilities of OpenEMR, or start with a new installation of the tables provided with your version of OpenEMR)
2. make an Excel spreadsheet with all fields (structure) from that certain table.
3. fill the fields with input derived from OpenEMR basic field as made in "1." , and ADD your existing field input from other WINDOWS program table.
4. save Excel sheet as *.CSV file, fields separated by ";"
5. import textfile via admin => database=> tables=> "QUERRY VIEW" under the table list (in blue)
6. import as "Insert data from textfile into table" (use LOAD LOCAL to avoid password and location problems)
7. Dont’f forget to delete the first few trial inputs to make the file under “1.” (Or you might use replace table)
I hope "YOU READER OF THIS REMARK" can use this information, and avoid having to miss all weekend trying the almost impossible.
Now I can continue to explore OpenEMR towards the next problem.
Pimm still impressed by the wide possibilities of Open Source software.