Importing Insurance Data

hbueller wrote on Tuesday, June 08, 2010:

I have been successful importing data from my current Practice Mgmt System for patients, ICD-9, CPT4 so far.  I would like to import patient insurance info as well.  I am concerned that the “type” field, which has an enumerator for the type, will not allow me to import my data from the table I am using.  Does anyone have any suggestions on how to import or organize this table to import it?  Or should I just reorganize the OpenEMR table to change the enumerator to a varchar, and then import the data, and then change the data back to an enumerator?

Thank you,

Howard Bueller, M.D.

visolveemr wrote on Wednesday, June 09, 2010:

Hi Howard,

You can import to insurance_data table as you did for others. But before importing, please ensure that the “type” field has values of either ‘primary’ or ‘secondary’ or ‘tertiary’.  Since the “type” field (in insurance_data table) is ENUM data type, it expects any one of the said values.

So please see to that your data to be imported has any one of above said values.

Hope this will help you.

Vicareplus Team,