I finished testing OpenEMR last week and wanted to import fresh data to go live with on Monday. I dropped the OpenEMR table via PHPMyAdmin. I reset the config variable to ‘0’ and re-ran the setup script to re-create the openemr db. Before dropping the database I backed up my user table so I would not have to re-enter all the users. I noticed that when importing the user table, the only userID that works is the Admin user. None of the other users id’s and passwords work. Just the admin id. Why is this? I exported the file as type “SQL” before dropping the database.
I would say it is because the users are not present in the GACL tables, I am not 100% sure, but my understanding is that the users need to be in the ‘gacl_aro’ table as well, I could be wrong, but try adding the other users in there.
Agree with Craig. Need an entry in the gacl. The reason the admin works is because that user is added to gacl when install the new database. I think you could do this within OpenEMR by logging in as the admin user and adding the other users to groups via the administration->acl gui (as I recall, the mechanism of adding the users to groups will also create the needed gacl stuff for them).
-brady OpenEMR