Importing data deleting spaces in address col

vambati wrote on Wednesday, January 18, 2012:

I am importing patient_data from my a csv file, everything looks good except patient address - street name is getting no spaces in between.

for example in the csv file if the street address is like this : 123 Fake Rd
it is importing it as 123FakeRd

How can I fix this, please help.

Thank you

voipbound wrote on Wednesday, January 18, 2012:

I am looking to import the patient and his past visits.  How are you doing it?

vambati wrote on Thursday, January 19, 2012:

1. create a patient in openemr with all the demographics information.
2. goto Adminstration - other - Database
3. click on the patient_data table
4. export (to a file) csv file
5. take the data from your existing medisoft and format the data like the cvs data and save as csv file
6. click empty the patient_data table
7. click import and select the csv file and import

make sure
Fields terminated by is ;
Fields enclosed by space
Fields escaped by space

Hope this help.
