Current design of Immunizations functionality supports only integer dosage (field amount_administered). When clinicians enter 0.5 mL in the online form, application rounds it up to 1 mL which is a major error. Worse yet, if the amount is 0.25 mL (e.g. children’s dose for a flu shot), the entry is rounded down and no amount is shown.
Obvious workaround to address this problem is to use units smaller than mL and set up full integer as dosage. This can cause issues with some interfaces that do not handle unit conversions well. If you wish to avoid these issues, set up database to support fractional dosage numbers. The SQL needed to enable this functionality is :
– Caution : This backup table should be in addition to full backup –
ALTER TABLE openemr.immunizations
ADD amount_administered_int INT(11) AFTER amount_administered;
UPDATE immunizations SET amount_administered_int = amount_administered;
ALTER TABLE openemr.immunizations
CHANGE amount_administered amount_administered FLOAT;
You can fix historical data or update manually:
UPDATE immunizations SET amount_administered=0.5 WHERE cvx_code=141 AND amount_administered =1;
– After all testing, clean up prior entries
ALTER TABLE openemr.immunizations
DROP COLUMN amount_administered_int;
Wouldn’t it be best to just convert it to a VARCHAR to allow entering in dosages of multicomponent vaccines (the same thing should be done for dosages in the prescriptions table).
-brady OpenEMR
As a general design guideline it is best to follow HL7 definitions and layout. Immunization record is proxy for HL7 VXU message. ‘Administered amount’ is a standard HL7 field expected in RXA. If we made it a description, there is no telling what my clinicians will input. Besides, most registries expect it to a number and many require it to be in mL - ignoring the next ‘Administered units’ fields due to conversion issues. Not sure how current field definition have worked for the community.
To change this for amount administered, somebody will need to change in database.sql file and in the 4_1_2-to-4_1_3_upgrade.sql scripts (these are in the sql directory). This appears to make sense considering amount administered is not the actual doses of multicomponent vaccines, but instead just the total amount.
Apart from ALTER, are you planning to include SQL statements fixing the values?
Data in amount_administered column should be treated like corrupt data and fixed based on other rules. Since we had limited number of cvx_codes, fix was easy. For general release, a better fix may be extracting the values submitted to mySQL from logs and updating the float field. We did not explore that approach.