We have uploaded an image to the documents and it is a large JPG.
Why do we only see a thumbnail size image? We are using version 5.0.2(5)
Try re-examining your php settings?
Where am I to look in the php.ini file?
The first thing that came to mind was Max file upload or something like that. It could be compressing the file when being uploaded. How big is the file and what is your max upload?
The image is 164KB and when it is downloaded it is 1128x888. So it is a good size image that is being shrunk down to a thumbnail.
I noticed that after turning the thumbnail off. The images were of normal size when displayed in the chart. So, it seems if a thumbnail is selected the system generates a thumbnail for display rather than the full-size image. Which seems counterproductive. It seems it would generate a thumbnail for viewing but when selected it would show the full-size image which it does not.