Image Based Forms

julialongtin wrote on Thursday, March 17, 2011:

I’ve updated the image based forms patch in the tracker, and think I have a good git tree at .

This patch implements ‘image based forms’, which are fully described at .

Be kind. this is a large patch, with lots of functionality, and this is my first time trying to submit something USING git.

Julia Longtin

tmccormi wrote on Thursday, March 17, 2011:

Not sure if this is a gitorius thing or not, but your openemr should be a fork not a clone of the repo. and then the changes should be pushed to  branch called something like “image_based_forms” instead of integrated into the master branch.  It’s not easy to do review of the diffs the way you have done it.

If you need assistance creating doing this hit me in IRC #openemr and I’ll help you out.


tmccormi wrote on Thursday, March 17, 2011:

I merged the commits into just two, 1 for the forms updates around moving JQuery and the other representing the new image map api code.  I pushed that to here for review:

Since this code originated at MI2 and Julia did a ton of work on it I consider the authorship joint work :slight_smile:


bradymiller wrote on Friday, March 18, 2011:

My review of this code may be a bit delayed (focusing most of my OpenEMR time on the new release).

julialongtin wrote on Friday, March 18, 2011:


Quite understandable.I look forward to your review when you have a minute.

Julia Longtin