ID Card/Photos InLine Viewing

jojohit wrote on Friday, December 30, 2011:

It seems that I am missing something to allow to see the pictures uploaded in the documents for the ID card and the Patient photo. When I upload the pictures I cannot see the photos but I have to click on the “View” button and click my way to downloading and opening the document using Windows explorer just to see the picture. In a video demo from ZH it showed the pic inline in the right side of the demographics area. How do I do that on OpenEMR4.1 patch 5 using IE9 or Chrome ?


bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, January 03, 2012:

According to below FAQ:
Should only need to place the photograph in the  ‘Patient Photograph’ category, then should show up automatically in the right side of the Patient Summary screen.
Let us know if not working (also suggest trying it out on the demos to further troubleshoot:

jojohit wrote on Thursday, January 05, 2012:

I did some experiment.

I uploaded a pic file (png and jpg). The picture comes out inline on OpenEMR. When I go back on Documents and rename the document, then the pic does not show inline anymore and instead I have to click on a View button.


bradymiller wrote on Saturday, January 07, 2012:

Sounds like a bug with the renaming feature. Are you able to see them on the Patient Summary screen?

jojohit wrote on Sunday, January 08, 2012:

I re-tested again with more variations in what I have changed. The problem happens when you rename the document to another name with a non-picture file extension (or with no file extension) which, of course, the browser does not know how to handle the file. I thought the “renaming field” was for an object label. Unknowingly, it may actually be renaming the object’s file name. So, it could be a bug if the analysis is like above.


tmccormi wrote on Monday, January 09, 2012:

The proper extension on the file names are required for the module to determine whether the image can be handled by the display at this time.  OpenEMR does not know how to read internal document header information to determine document/image types.