ICD9 Load script bombs

hitechelp wrote on Saturday, March 10, 2012:

I’m trying to load ICD9 codes using the following instructions from the wiki “Load_ICD9_Codes” page


    Modify the openemr/contrib/util/load_icd_desc.plx file:
        Place database name at line 36 (get this from the openemr/library/sqlconf.php file)
        Comment out line 45 and 46
        Uncomment line 48 and 49, and substitute the your sql username and database for username

and password in this line (line 48). (get these from theopenemr/library/sqlconf.php file )
    Execute the script:

perl /var/www/openemr/contrib/util/load_icd_desc.plx

First off: the database name is not in the openemr/library/sqlconf.php file
I was able to hunt down the sqlconf.php file in the /var/www/openemr/sites/default/ directory but
this was not clearly indicated by the openemr/library/sqlconf.php file, it would be simple to point
it out clearly in the first place.  (things like this call the entire procedure into question.)

Secondly: Same issue for “the your sql username and database” for username and password" part of
the instructions. Edited as directed, the script bombs with the following error(s)

> sudo perl /var/www/openemr/contrib/util/load_icd_desc.plx
DBI connect(‘dbname=openemr’,‘openemr’,…) failed: Access denied for user ‘openemr’@‘localhost’

(using password: YES) at /var/www/openemr/contrib/util/load_icd_desc.plx line 48
Access denied for user ‘openemr’@‘localhost’ (using password: YES) at

/var/www/openemr/contrib/util/load_icd_desc.plx line 48.

Here is my /var/www/openemr/sites/default/sqlconf.php

//  OpenEMR
//  MySQL Config

$host = ‘localhost’;
$port = ‘3306’;
$login = ‘openemr’;
$pass = ‘euIatxiisQwm’;
$dbase = ‘openemr’;

//Added ability to disable
//utf8 encoding - bm 05-2009
global $disable_utf8_flag;
$disable_utf8_flag = false;

$sqlconf = array();
global $sqlconf;
$sqlconf= $host;
$sqlconf = $port;
$sqlconf = $login;
$sqlconf = $pass;
$sqlconf = $dbase;
$config = 1; /////////////

Here is load_icd_desc.plx as used

use strict;

# Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Rod Roark <rod@sunsetsystems.com>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This loads ICD9 codes and descriptions into the “codes” table of
# OpenEMR, scraping from from www.icd9data.com.
# Alternatively you can just dump the INSERT statements to stdout.

# You might need to install one or more of these dependencies.
# The Debian/Ubuntu package names are noted as comments:
use DBI;              # libdbi-perl and libdbd-mysql-perl
use WWW::Mechanize;   # libwww-mechanize-perl
use HTML::TokeParser; # libhtml-parser-perl

#                 Parameters that you may customize                   #

# Change this as needed for years other than 2010.
my $START_URL = “http://www.icd9data.com/2010/Volume1/default.htm”;

# An empty database name will cause SQL INSERT statements to be dumped
# to stdout, with no database access.  To update your OpenEMR database
# directly, specify its name here.
my $DBNAME = “openemr”;

# You can hard-code the database user name and password (see below),
# or else put them into the environment with bash commands like these
# before running this script:
#   export DBI_USER=username
#   export DBI_PASS=password
#my $dbh = DBI->connect(“dbi:mysql:dbname=$DBNAME”) or die $DBI::errstr
#  if ($DBNAME);

my $dbh = DBI->connect(“dbi:mysql:dbname=$DBNAME”, “openemr”, “openemr”)
   or die $DBI::errstr if ($DBNAME);

# Comment this out if you want to keep old nonmatching codes.
#$dbh->do(“delete from codes where code_type = 2”) or die “oops”
#  if ($DBNAME);

#                             Startup                                 #

$| = 1;      # Turn on autoflushing of stdout.

my $countup  = 0;
my $countnew = 0;

#                            Main Logic                               #

# This function recursively scrapes all of the web pages.
sub scrape {
  my $url = shift;

  my $browser = WWW::Mechanize->new();
  my $parser = HTML::TokeParser->new($browser->content());

  while(my $tag = $parser->get_tag(“li”, “div”)) {

    # The <li><a> sequence is recognized as a link to another list
    # that must be followed.  We handle those recursively.
    if ($tag-> eq “li”) {
      $tag = $parser->get_tag;
      $tag = $parser->get_tag if ($tag-> eq “strong”);
      next unless ($tag-> eq “a”);
      my $nexturl = $browser->base();
      # $nexturl =~ s’/+$’/’;
      $nexturl =~ s’/20.+$’’;
      scrape($nexturl . $tag->{href});

    # The <div><img> sequence starts an ICD9 code and description.
    # If the “specific green” image is used then we know this code is
    # valid as a specific diagnosis, and we will grab it.
    else {
      $tag = $parser->get_tag;
      next unless ($tag-> eq “img”);
      next unless ($tag->{src} =~ /SpecificGreen/);
      $tag = $parser->get_tag(“a”);
      my $tmp = $parser->get_trimmed_text;
      unless ($tmp =~ /Diagnosis Code (\S+)/) {
        print STDERR “Parse error in ‘$tmp’ at $url\n”;
      my $code = $1;
      $tag = $parser->get_tag(“div”);
      my $desc = $parser->get_trimmed_text;
      $desc =~ s/’/’’/g;  # some descriptions will have quotes

      # This creates the needed SQL statement, and optionally writes the
      # code and its description to the codes table.
      my $query = "INSERT INTO codes " .
        "( code_type, code, modifier, code_text  ) VALUES " .
        “( 2, ‘$code’, ‘’, ‘$desc’ )”;
      if ($DBNAME) {
        my $usth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT id FROM codes " .
          “WHERE code_type = 2 AND code = ‘$code’”)
          or die $dbh->errstr;
        $usth->execute() or die $usth->errstr;
        my @urow = $usth->fetchrow_array();
        if (! @urow) {
        else {
          $query = "UPDATE codes SET code_text = ‘$desc’ " .
            “WHERE code_type = 2 AND code = ‘$code’”;
        $dbh->do($query) or die $query;

      print $query . “;\n”;

# This starts the ball rolling.

#                             Shutdown                                #

if ($DBNAME) {
  print “\nInserted $countnew rows, updated $countup codes.\n”;

After some careful thought, I set the username to “root” and the password to null “”,
The script ran for about a half hour and did not return any errors but the “service”
page in openemr only listed the first three ICD9 codes.

Any suggestions?



I’m trying to load ICD9 codes using the following instructions from the wiki “Load_ICD9_Codes” page


    Modify the openemr/contrib/util/load_icd_desc.plx file:
        Place database name at line 36 (get this from the openemr/library/sqlconf.php file)
        Comment out line 45 and 46
        Uncomment line 48 and 49, and substitute the your sql username and database for username

and password in this line (line 48). (get these from theopenemr/library/sqlconf.php file )
    Execute the script:

perl /var/www/openemr/contrib/util/load_icd_desc.plx

First off: the database name is not in the openemr/library/sqlconf.php file
I was able to hunt down the sqlconf.php file in the /var/www/openemr/sites/default/ directory but

this was not clearly indicated by the openemr/library/sqlconf.php file, it would be simple to point

it out clearly in the first place.  (things like this call the entire procedure into question.)

Secondly: Same issue for “the your sql username and database” for username and password" part of

the instructions. Edited as directed, the script bombs with the following error(s)

> sudo perl /var/www/openemr/contrib/util/load_icd_desc.plx
DBI connect(‘dbname=openemr’,‘openemr’,…) failed: Access denied for user ‘openemr’@‘localhost’

(using password: YES) at /var/www/openemr/contrib/util/load_icd_desc.plx line 48
Access denied for user ‘openemr’@‘localhost’ (using password: YES) at

/var/www/openemr/contrib/util/load_icd_desc.plx line 48.

Here is my /var/www/openemr/sites/default/sqlconf.php

//  OpenEMR
//  MySQL Config

$host = ‘localhost’;
$port = ‘3306’;
$login = ‘openemr’;
$pass = ‘euIatxiisQwm’;
$dbase = ‘openemr’;

//Added ability to disable
//utf8 encoding - bm 05-2009
global $disable_utf8_flag;
$disable_utf8_flag = false;

$sqlconf = array();
global $sqlconf;
$sqlconf= $host;
$sqlconf = $port;
$sqlconf = $login;
$sqlconf = $pass;
$sqlconf = $dbase;
$config = 1; /////////////

Here is load_icd_desc.plx as used

use strict;

# Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Rod Roark <rod@sunsetsystems.com>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This loads ICD9 codes and descriptions into the “codes” table of
# OpenEMR, scraping from from www.icd9data.com.
# Alternatively you can just dump the INSERT statements to stdout.

# You might need to install one or more of these dependencies.
# The Debian/Ubuntu package names are noted as comments:
use DBI;              # libdbi-perl and libdbd-mysql-perl
use WWW::Mechanize;   # libwww-mechanize-perl
use HTML::TokeParser; # libhtml-parser-perl

#                 Parameters that you may customize                   #

# Change this as needed for years other than 2010.
my $START_URL = “http://www.icd9data.com/2010/Volume1/default.htm”;

# An empty database name will cause SQL INSERT statements to be dumped
# to stdout, with no database access.  To update your OpenEMR database
# directly, specify its name here.
my $DBNAME = “openemr”;

# You can hard-code the database user name and password (see below),
# or else put them into the environment with bash commands like these
# before running this script:
#   export DBI_USER=username
#   export DBI_PASS=password
#my $dbh = DBI->connect(“dbi:mysql:dbname=$DBNAME”) or die $DBI::errstr
#  if ($DBNAME);

my $dbh = DBI->connect(“dbi:mysql:dbname=$DBNAME”, “openemr”, “openemr”)
   or die $DBI::errstr if ($DBNAME);

# Comment this out if you want to keep old nonmatching codes.
#$dbh->do(“delete from codes where code_type = 2”) or die “oops”
#  if ($DBNAME);

#                             Startup                                 #

$| = 1;      # Turn on autoflushing of stdout.

my $countup  = 0;
my $countnew = 0;

#                            Main Logic                               #

# This function recursively scrapes all of the web pages.
sub scrape {
  my $url = shift;

  my $browser = WWW::Mechanize->new();
  my $parser = HTML::TokeParser->new($browser->content());

  while(my $tag = $parser->get_tag(“li”, “div”)) {

    # The <li><a> sequence is recognized as a link to another list
    # that must be followed.  We handle those recursively.
    if ($tag-> eq “li”) {
      $tag = $parser->get_tag;
      $tag = $parser->get_tag if ($tag-> eq “strong”);
      next unless ($tag-> eq “a”);
      my $nexturl = $browser->base();
      # $nexturl =~ s’/+$’/’;
      $nexturl =~ s’/20.+$’’;
      scrape($nexturl . $tag->{href});

    # The <div><img> sequence starts an ICD9 code and description.
    # If the “specific green” image is used then we know this code is
    # valid as a specific diagnosis, and we will grab it.
    else {
      $tag = $parser->get_tag;
      next unless ($tag-> eq “img”);
      next unless ($tag->{src} =~ /SpecificGreen/);
      $tag = $parser->get_tag(“a”);
      my $tmp = $parser->get_trimmed_text;
      unless ($tmp =~ /Diagnosis Code (\S+)/) {
        print STDERR “Parse error in ‘$tmp’ at $url\n”;
      my $code = $1;
      $tag = $parser->get_tag(“div”);
      my $desc = $parser->get_trimmed_text;
      $desc =~ s/’/’’/g;  # some descriptions will have quotes

      # This creates the needed SQL statement, and optionally writes the
      # code and its description to the codes table.
      my $query = "INSERT INTO codes " .
        "( code_type, code, modifier, code_text  ) VALUES " .
        “( 2, ‘$code’, ‘’, ‘$desc’ )”;
      if ($DBNAME) {
        my $usth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT id FROM codes " .
          “WHERE code_type = 2 AND code = ‘$code’”)
          or die $dbh->errstr;
        $usth->execute() or die $usth->errstr;
        my @urow = $usth->fetchrow_array();
        if (! @urow) {
        else {
          $query = "UPDATE codes SET code_text = ‘$desc’ " .
            “WHERE code_type = 2 AND code = ‘$code’”;
        $dbh->do($query) or die $query;

      print $query . “;\n”;

# This starts the ball rolling.

#                             Shutdown                                #

if ($DBNAME) {
  print “\nInserted $countnew rows, updated $countup codes.\n”;

After some careful thought, I set the username to “root” and the password to null “”,
The script ran for about a half hour and did not return any errors but the “service”
page in openemr only listed the first three ICD9 codes.

Any suggestions?



I’m trying to load ICD9 codes using the following instructions from the wiki “Load_ICD9_Codes” page


    Modify the openemr/contrib/util/load_icd_desc.plx file:
        Place database name at line 36 (get this from the openemr/library/sqlconf.php file)
        Comment out line 45 and 46
        Uncomment line 48 and 49, and substitute the your sql username and database for username

and password in this line (line 48). (get these from theopenemr/library/sqlconf.php file )
    Execute the script:

perl /var/www/openemr/contrib/util/load_icd_desc.plx

First off: the database name is not in the openemr/library/sqlconf.php file
I was able to hunt down the sqlconf.php file in the /var/www/openemr/sites/default/ directory but

this was not clearly indicated by the openemr/library/sqlconf.php file, it would be simple to point

it out clearly in the first place.  (things like this call the entire procedure into question.)

Secondly: Same issue for “the your sql username and database” for username and password" part of

the instructions. Edited as directed, the script bombs with the following error(s)

> sudo perl /var/www/openemr/contrib/util/load_icd_desc.plx
DBI connect(‘dbname=openemr’,‘openemr’,…) failed: Access denied for user ‘openemr’@‘localhost’

(using password: YES) at /var/www/openemr/contrib/util/load_icd_desc.plx line 48
Access denied for user ‘openemr’@‘localhost’ (using password: YES) at

/var/www/openemr/contrib/util/load_icd_desc.plx line 48.

Here is my /var/www/openemr/sites/default/sqlconf.php

//  OpenEMR
//  MySQL Config

$host = ‘localhost’;
$port = ‘3306’;
$login = ‘openemr’;
$pass = ‘euIatxiisQwm’;
$dbase = ‘openemr’;

//Added ability to disable
//utf8 encoding - bm 05-2009
global $disable_utf8_flag;
$disable_utf8_flag = false;

$sqlconf = array();
global $sqlconf;
$sqlconf= $host;
$sqlconf = $port;
$sqlconf = $login;
$sqlconf = $pass;
$sqlconf = $dbase;
$config = 1; /////////////

Here is load_icd_desc.plx as used

use strict;

# Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Rod Roark <rod@sunsetsystems.com>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This loads ICD9 codes and descriptions into the “codes” table of
# OpenEMR, scraping from from www.icd9data.com.
# Alternatively you can just dump the INSERT statements to stdout.

# You might need to install one or more of these dependencies.
# The Debian/Ubuntu package names are noted as comments:
use DBI;              # libdbi-perl and libdbd-mysql-perl
use WWW::Mechanize;   # libwww-mechanize-perl
use HTML::TokeParser; # libhtml-parser-perl

#                 Parameters that you may customize                   #

# Change this as needed for years other than 2010.
my $START_URL = “http://www.icd9data.com/2010/Volume1/default.htm”;

# An empty database name will cause SQL INSERT statements to be dumped
# to stdout, with no database access.  To update your OpenEMR database
# directly, specify its name here.
my $DBNAME = “openemr”;

# You can hard-code the database user name and password (see below),
# or else put them into the environment with bash commands like these
# before running this script:
#   export DBI_USER=username
#   export DBI_PASS=password
#my $dbh = DBI->connect(“dbi:mysql:dbname=$DBNAME”) or die $DBI::errstr
#  if ($DBNAME);

my $dbh = DBI->connect(“dbi:mysql:dbname=$DBNAME”, “openemr”, “openemr”)
   or die $DBI::errstr if ($DBNAME);

# Comment this out if you want to keep old nonmatching codes.
#$dbh->do(“delete from codes where code_type = 2”) or die “oops”
#  if ($DBNAME);

#                             Startup                                 #

$| = 1;      # Turn on autoflushing of stdout.

my $countup  = 0;
my $countnew = 0;

#                            Main Logic                               #

# This function recursively scrapes all of the web pages.
sub scrape {
  my $url = shift;

  my $browser = WWW::Mechanize->new();
  my $parser = HTML::TokeParser->new($browser->content());

  while(my $tag = $parser->get_tag(“li”, “div”)) {

    # The <li><a> sequence is recognized as a link to another list
    # that must be followed.  We handle those recursively.
    if ($tag-> eq “li”) {
      $tag = $parser->get_tag;
      $tag = $parser->get_tag if ($tag-> eq “strong”);
      next unless ($tag-> eq “a”);
      my $nexturl = $browser->base();
      # $nexturl =~ s’/+$’/’;
      $nexturl =~ s’/20.+$’’;
      scrape($nexturl . $tag->{href});

    # The <div><img> sequence starts an ICD9 code and description.
    # If the “specific green” image is used then we know this code is
    # valid as a specific diagnosis, and we will grab it.
    else {
      $tag = $parser->get_tag;
      next unless ($tag-> eq “img”);
      next unless ($tag->{src} =~ /SpecificGreen/);
      $tag = $parser->get_tag(“a”);
      my $tmp = $parser->get_trimmed_text;
      unless ($tmp =~ /Diagnosis Code (\S+)/) {
        print STDERR “Parse error in ‘$tmp’ at $url\n”;
      my $code = $1;
      $tag = $parser->get_tag(“div”);
      my $desc = $parser->get_trimmed_text;
      $desc =~ s/’/’’/g;  # some descriptions will have quotes

      # This creates the needed SQL statement, and optionally writes the
      # code and its description to the codes table.
      my $query = "INSERT INTO codes " .
        "( code_type, code, modifier, code_text  ) VALUES " .
        “( 2, ‘$code’, ‘’, ‘$desc’ )”;
      if ($DBNAME) {
        my $usth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT id FROM codes " .
          “WHERE code_type = 2 AND code = ‘$code’”)
          or die $dbh->errstr;
        $usth->execute() or die $usth->errstr;
        my @urow = $usth->fetchrow_array();
        if (! @urow) {
        else {
          $query = "UPDATE codes SET code_text = ‘$desc’ " .
            “WHERE code_type = 2 AND code = ‘$code’”;
        $dbh->do($query) or die $query;

      print $query . “;\n”;

# This starts the ball rolling.

#                             Shutdown                                #

if ($DBNAME) {
  print “\nInserted $countnew rows, updated $countup codes.\n”;

After some careful thought, I set the username to “root” and the password to null “”,
The script ran for about a half hour and did not return any errors but the “service”
page in openemr only listed the first three ICD9 codes.

Any suggestions?



mike-h30 wrote on Saturday, March 10, 2012:

I also noticed the same issues too.  Tested this yesterday and the script runs for quite a while before timing out and only loading the first three ICD9 codes.  I tested this on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server SP1. 


mike-h30 wrote on Saturday, March 10, 2012:

It looks like the codes are now included in the SQL directory of OpenEMR as pointed out by Mukoya.



mike-h30 wrote on Saturday, March 10, 2012:

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1.

(Really miss having a edit button)

gsporter wrote on Saturday, March 10, 2012:

You didn’t mention if you had any existing code icd9 /cpt4 extra.   For my orginal loading of the icd9 codes I believe I was able to copy the /var/www/openemr/sql/icd9-codes-insert.sql file from my OpenEMR install using WinSCP.

I then loaded it into the db using phpmyadmin

Click on “openemr” or whatever you named your db on install

Find the “codes” table and click on it.

Select the “Import” tab

Browse to where you stored your local copy of “icd9-codes-insert.sql”

Be sure the Character set of the file is set to utf8

Click the “Go” button in the lower right corner

That should do it.


hitechelp wrote on Sunday, March 11, 2012:

Thanks GP,
However, I’m only importing the ICD9 Codes that are relevant to a Psychiatry practice, so my load_icd_desc.plx (script) will be modified accordingly. This may be useful to others who are specialists and don’t need (or want) the entire list.  I’m trying to build a loop that will eanble Rod’s script to scrape only the relevant URL’s, but my perl is rusty (dormant since 2003) and I’m struggling.  After I got the username and password right and pointed the script to the correct URL it was able to scrape one group of codes.  So I started pasting in just one URL at a time and running the script for each one, but a script that could be pointed to list of the relevant ICD9 URL’s is my goal and that would be much fast than adding them manually.

BTW, This whole mess started while I was logged in to OpenEMR as Admin and manually deleting the irrelevant ICD9 codes that were preloaded in v4.1.0 using the  “administration>services” page. when the entire list disappeared! (I’m guessing that I probably fat fingered something)

I really appreciate all the help from the developers forum gurus.  (special thanks Rod and Mike)

gsporter wrote on Sunday, March 11, 2012:

Sorry I missed the part where you were pulling a subset!   Worst comes to worst you could manual edit (cut out the parts you don’t want) using some thing like Notepad ++.  


tmccormi wrote on Sunday, March 11, 2012:

I like the idea of having subsets by specialty.  I have a subset of codes, ICD9 and CPT for Gynecology we could provide the ICD9s  at least.

kmendis56 wrote on Wednesday, March 25, 2015:

I have a new OpenEMR installation V 4.2

Tried installing ICD_9 codes
Go to Administration->Other->‘External Data Loads’
it shows -not installed
when clicked install - ERROR: Unable to copy file

Then tried
Admin-Other-Database - import - browse - local sql - icd9-codes-insert
checked utf-8

1046 - No database selected

Any suggestions?

cmswest wrote on Wednesday, March 25, 2015:

what are the permissions on the file in



kmendis56 wrote on Wednesday, March 25, 2015:

Not sure how to find this
I know only the locations of the icd-9-cm file
how to find the permissions?

kmendis56 wrote on Wednesday, March 25, 2015:

Not sure whether this is due to the fact that I have installed the
Pre-installed OpenEMR with the XAMPP Package on a Macbook - OS X
It works fine but cannot access any codes that are part of the package

cmswest wrote on Wednesday, March 25, 2015:

here’s an article that should help