ICD9 Codes in CAMOS

brentosv wrote on Thursday, October 27, 2011:

I need programming help with populating ICD9 codes into the CAMOS form. For some reason my openEMR doesn’t have the ICD9 codes populated within the CAMOS form, and my boss needs me to do this. However, I have no clue how to do this. After 2 days straight of scouring the internet, i am coming here to ask for help now. Thank you so much!

-Brent V.

sritel wrote on Friday, October 28, 2011:

We can help you.  You can reach me at srikant@emrtsolutions.com.

Srikant Telikepalli

nursejeff wrote on Friday, October 28, 2011:

Hi all,

I am curious as to how are you going to use ICD-9’s in CAMOS. 

I use the CAMOS daily.  I have ready made templates that I use and edit for everyday use.  I even have some lab result templates that I use.

How are you going to use the ICD-9’s in CAMOS?  The only place I know to use the ICD-9’s is in the Accouting -> Fee Sheet.  I find this sheet, though effective, time consuming.  So if you there is another way to enter codes please let me know.


Jeff Guillory Jr.
NP Health Clinic

bradymiller wrote on Friday, October 28, 2011:


Check out the CAMOS Manual on the wiki:
(in the Advanced use Billing function section)

These things can be cloned via CAMOS cloning features. Suggest playing around with it to see how it works. It will also populate OpenEMR’s billing tables (ie. should be able to work as a substitute for the Fee Sheet.

Also, as I recall, if you enter the billing codes into the Fee Sheet before you open the CAMOS form, I think the ICD9 button at bottom of CAMOS will enter them into the CAMOS form.
