ICD9 Code does not display under Administration-Codes

tobiall wrote on Tuesday, October 28, 2014:

I am running 4.1.2 on Centos 6.5 and see the ICD9 codes in the database under http://localhost/openemr/phpmyadmin/sql.php?db=openemr&table=codes&token=8cf1e78ef32a0f93ebfe1df1cb5975e6 but it does not display under Administration-Codes and I can not search for them either?

hitechelp wrote on Tuesday, October 28, 2014:

Just go to the Administration>Codes page and click the search button. Entering an empty search brings up all the codes.

fsgl wrote on Wednesday, October 29, 2014:

Administration/Lists/Code Types, change default of ICD9 Diagnosis under External to no & save. The default is set to permit External Data Loads of datasets.