Https and outlook calendar

omo66 wrote on Saturday, May 23, 2009:

I started using https protocol and noted that the selections within the calendar becomes inactive ( e.g name, time slots e.t.).
after refreshing the page selections becomes active again til the page loads again.
Any one else having this issue?

Fedora 9, Apache 2.

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, May 23, 2009:


Couldn’t reproduce this on ubuntu server 8.04 (openemr appliance). Not clear what your doing.

Here’s two links to the same 3.0.1 demo (one http and one https):

Login names/passwords for users in above demo can be found here:

Try them out, don’t worry about breaking it (it resets every AM). See if you can reproduce on there. Also give more details about what your specifically doing before you lose functionality.
Also, what’s your php and mysql version?
What’s your openemr version?


slim180 wrote on Friday, January 22, 2010:

I’m having another issue with the Calendar.  But I see it working in your server:

I’m a little lost in the code trying to find this.  The “Day”, “Week”, “Month”, etc… links on my Calendar point back to http even though it is everything else runs under https.  One difference, where you have “openemr”,  I am using a sub-domain so “” is my $web_root.

slim180 wrote on Friday, January 22, 2010:

It is something in .  One of these files below is creaking the https links.  One file has DOS new lines and another is is has Linux feeds, so it makes time difficult to diff the files.  Also, they are almost identical files.  If these were combined it would be easier to maintain:


Anyways, the  resolves to the http address for my server, but the documents are all under https.  When I view the source in the browser I see the link referring to http:

  <a class=“nav” href="" onclick=“top.restoreSession()”> xl(‘Day’,‘e’); </a>

bradymiller wrote on Friday, January 22, 2010:

I think i may remember this bug. What version OpenEMR you using (if using 3.1.0, do you have most recent patch)?

slim180 wrote on Saturday, January 23, 2010:

Yes, I am using an un-patched 3.1.  I’m really glad to see this fixed in the patch along with the sql escaping and other things.  Thanks!

What Tag in CVS should I use to get your patch and stay with the stable release?  I have local changes that need merging.

bradymiller wrote on Saturday, January 23, 2010:

the cvs tag is rel-310
if the patch doesn’t fix your bug, let us know.

slim180 wrote on Sunday, January 24, 2010:

The rel-310 calendar worked under PHP 5.2.10 (did not test SSL).  But under PHP 4.3.9 the calendar does not compile (no compiled classes under interface/main/calendar/modules/PostCalendar/pntemplates/compiled).

In the older PHP, here is the request:

The HTML response is:

<!- START user_display ->



<!- END user_display ->

bradymiller wrote on Monday, January 25, 2010:

It’s quite possible our days of supporting php4 may well be over. Most of the developers have not been developing in php4 for some time now. Anybody else having calendar issues in php4?

slim180 wrote on Tuesday, January 26, 2010:

Ok, I have upgraded to PHP 5.  I can see the calendar now.  It has the same problem though, the day, week, month, links refer to http.  The difference now, I using the tag instead of the patch.

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, January 26, 2010:

Does this also happen in the Outlook calendar (choose in Administration->User)?

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, January 26, 2010:

duh, it’s in the subject title…
try to see if you can reproduce the error on the 3.1 https demo server here:


slim180 wrote on Tuesday, January 26, 2010:

Yes, it works on the demo server.  I’m tempted to get the patch and diff a few files to make sure it matches the rel-310 tag. 

I really like using tags as that verifies that the fixes code are in place.  It lets me merge with my changes too.

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, January 26, 2010:

I wouldn’t feel need to go through the patch; tags will cover everything. After looking through, the other https bug somehwere else, so don’t expect the patch to fix this.
Are you forcing https in apache?

slim180 wrote on Tuesday, January 26, 2010:

I was forcing https.  We are just testing now, so I’m allowing http too.  The main screens remain on https.  It is possible that that data does not need to be encrypted; if there is no identifying patient info.  It would be good to not have to use http one day though.

bradymiller wrote on Tuesday, January 26, 2010:


Here is the bug I was thinking of previously:

Ensure you have the bug fix in:
