drbowen wrote on Sunday, June 12, 2005:
This is a help file for installing OpenEMR as the electronic health record using XAMPP.
I downloaded XAMPP for Microsoft Windows:
I unzipped the package to
I ran
I looked inn the Control panel: Services and stopped and disabled
IIS Admin Services
World Wide Web Publishing Services
These services prevent Apache from listening on port number 80.
I then ran
I used xampp-control.exe to start and stop Apache.
Once Apache was running you should be able to see the XAMPP default splash page in your browser at:
Stop Apache using xampp-control.exe.
OpenEMR has not yet been converted to PHP5 so I ran:
OpenEMR expects Magic_quotes to be turned off. I edited
About way down I located and changed
Magic_quotes_gpc = On
Magic_quotes_gpc = Off
I used the xampp-control.exe to restart Apache.
I used the xampp-control.exe to start MySQL.
MySQL by default does not have a password set so for security purposes:
C:\xampp\mysql\bin\mysqladmin -u root password sometrickysecret
Watch out! We need a PHP friendly password here for later use. The rules for making passwords in PHP are a bit different from Unix, Linux and the newer versions of Microsoft Windows. Most of the special characters won’t work. They will be removed by the PHP software for Web security (Prevention of cross site scripting attacks, SQL injection etc.) Generally you need some small case letters, Upper case letters, numbers and some special symbols. Usually hyphens, underscores and likely periods will work.
You should then be able to log into the MySQL server from a command prompt with
C: mysql -u root -p mysql
mysql> \q
Change to:
C: edit config.inc.php //using a true text editor
look for:
$cfg[‘servers’][$i][‘user’] = ‘root’;
$cfg[‘servers’][$i][‘auth_type’] = ‘config’;
$cfg[‘servers’][$i][‘password’] = ‘’;
change to:
$cfg[‘servers’][$i][‘user’] = ‘root’;
$cfg[‘servers’][$i][‘auth_type’] = ‘http’;
$cfg[‘servers’][$i][‘password’] = ‘sometrickypassword’; //your MySQL root password
Then save and close.
Download and Unzip:
(I cheated here a bit. I actually downloaded and unzipped it in linux. The WinZip sometimes breaks the lines in funny places. It has to do with the different line endings between linux and Microsoft Windows. The default behavior of WinZip can be changed to “don’t automatically break the lines”. Its this auto line breaking that doesn’t seem to cause trouble with Windows but plays havoc on some Unix files/programs. )
rename openemr-2.7.2 and move it to
In your favorite Web browser enter:
You might need:
The setup.php should come up.
Click continue.
Under the Server section (line#5) enter a password for the openemr user:
The rules for making passwords in PHP are a bit different from Unix, Linux and the newer versions of Microsoft Windows. Most of the special characters won’t work. They will be removed by the PHP software for Web security (Prevention of cross site scripting attacks, SQL injection etc.) Generally you need some small case letters, Upper case letters, numbers and some special symbols. Usually hyphens, underscores and likely periods will work.
Under Client section (line #7) enter the mysql root password:
I created myself as the initial user:
Real Name:
Sam Bowen
Initial group:
(or anything you want)
Ignore the stuff about changing the permission on the sqlconf.php for now. (Not the most secure thing but it will get you up and running for now)
Now create two new directories:
Make sure you have permissions full control by everyone on these two directories. Mine worked out-of-the-box without modification. For sure the owner of the apache web server process needs read:write permissions on these directories.
you might need:
and the initial user will be what you used during the setup process. The initial password is always pass.
So I entered
and OpenEMR health record seems to be working fine.
Billing takes additional configuration.
This is a least secure configuration. There are additional steps that need to be taken to tighten up security.
Sam Bowen