How to modify patient list

wajji wrote on Wednesday, January 29, 2014:

I have setup OpenEMR locally on my machine. I am trying to change the size of patient list. I am not able to find how to customize the patient list. I would like to display only 25 patient in the list. However, the patient list is bringing all the patients from the database. Just want to be clear, I know how to change the page size. But I am trying to limit the patient list.
Again, I would like to customize the number of patients in the patient list. Any help is appreciated.

mdsupport wrote on Wednesday, January 29, 2014:

Not sure what you are looking for. Say there are 1000 patients in database. Pt list has several entry points. For a ME practice if you filtered by State as ‘ME’, you still want only 25 patients to be shown or 25 per page?

wajji wrote on Thursday, January 30, 2014:

I mean when you click on Patient link menu item on the left side menu, it will display the patient list. This patient list is bringing everything from the patient_data table. For example, if there are 1000 patients in the db table, I would like to see only most latest 50 patients only and I don’t want to see the rest of the patients on the patient list. If the page size is 25, there will be only two pages in this example. I hope this is little clear.

wajji wrote on Thursday, January 30, 2014:

Sorry, don’t know how to delete this message :slight_smile:

mdsupport wrote on Thursday, January 30, 2014:

There are two links and for both, your requirement is not standard. But you can put suffix as ‘LIMIT 50’ in the SQL getting generated in
interface/main/finder/patient_select.php and/or