I have setup OpenEMR locally on my machine. I am trying to change the size of patient list. I am not able to find how to customize the patient list. I would like to display only 25 patient in the list. However, the patient list is bringing all the patients from the database. Just want to be clear, I know how to change the page size. But I am trying to limit the patient list.
Again, I would like to customize the number of patients in the patient list. Any help is appreciated.
Not sure what you are looking for. Say there are 1000 patients in database. Pt list has several entry points. For a ME practice if you filtered by State as ‘ME’, you still want only 25 patients to be shown or 25 per page?
I mean when you click on Patient link menu item on the left side menu, it will display the patient list. This patient list is bringing everything from the patient_data table. For example, if there are 1000 patients in the db table, I would like to see only most latest 50 patients only and I don’t want to see the rest of the patients on the patient list. If the page size is 25, there will be only two pages in this example. I hope this is little clear.
There are two links and for both, your requirement is not standard. But you can put suffix as ‘LIMIT 50’ in the SQL getting generated in
interface/main/finder/patient_select.php and/or