I notice that my OpenEMR does not remember and display patients’ telephone numbers properly. If, for example, I put in and save this number: 0044-781-1749641, it is displayed correctly only until I have to edit any patient data in the same form (e.g. edit the address). Then when I save the form the second time, the number has been truncated and changed to: 004-478-1174. I am guessing this might have something to do with how the database is set up to deal with telephone numbers. How can I change this behaviour? Thank you.
If you are using OpenEMR current development version(4.3.1), then this behaviour can be changed by enabling the new form validation in the Administration -> Globals -> Security -> New form validation.
If you are using any other OpenEMR stable version, you need to comment out the following code in **interface/patient_file/summary/demographics_full.php ** file to disable to us phone format style.
if (f.form_phone_contact) phonekeyup(f.form_phone_contact,mypcc);
if (f.form_phone_home ) phonekeyup(f.form_phone_home ,mypcc);
if (f.form_phone_biz ) phonekeyup(f.form_phone_biz ,mypcc);
if (f.form_phone_cell ) phonekeyup(f.form_phone_cell ,mypcc);